Holy Cow! The LAG!

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:31 am

Okay so I'm not good with computers so I'm not going to write every single spec I have (since I have no idea what those "are") so I was hoping for a really dumbed down answer that my brain can comprehend.

Yesterday I played New Vegas for about an hour at most, it worked perfectly, High settings and with using maybe a dozen of mods (None that enhance graphics though.).
And today before I started up New Vegas I checked in my USB drive to transfer some of my art files, I installed Spotify and installed VLC oh and spent maybe a hour looking through the forums.
That's it.
Nothing else has been done between yesterdays session and todays.
Yesterday, not a single fragment of lag, today I got '2 second delay lag'.
Anyone know why this might have happened? (Again, give me a dumbed down answer, don't ask for too complicated things from me.)

Could it be a virus?
Does my graphic card need updating?
Is it one of the mods that's making this crap?
Could New Vegas have been altered in the files because of a mod that's gone awry and now I need to reinstall it?

I have some kinda Radeon graphics card but that's all I know, it should be one of the newer versions of that card though.
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:32 am

"Newness" is totally meaningless about computers, or graphics cards, same as the amount of video RAM is mostly nothing to get excited about.
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:43 pm

Well whatever, it worked perfectly yesterday and now it works like [censored], anyone got any idea how it can take such a sudden turn for the worse and how it could be fixed?
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:23 am

As soon as you decide your problem is worth the time to apply yourself to, and participate in collecting data about the OS, the drivers, the hardware, etc. after that someone can start thinking about an answer. No one here is getting paid to be clairvoyant or prescient (nobody is getting paid to do anything).
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:37 pm

Well I was more or less hoping for someone who had experienced a similar problem where once the graphics on the game could be set to high and work fluently and the next moment it's at medium with high lagging as crazy.
I wasn't and am still not expecting some super brain to come forth with the ultimate solution, I just want to know if someone had experienced a similar problem and what his and/or her solution to "that" problem was.

From the box:

* AMD Phenom II Quad-Core Mobile Processor P960 (1.8GHz)
* Radeon Graphics

I think those are the important parts.
Doesn't say what Radeon card it is specifically though.

Checked out a site and it might be: AMD Radeon HD 6650M.

Anyway, apart from the mandatory update to everything when I started it up I haven't changed or tweaked up updated anything.
It could run NV with those things with mods on High settings, next day it suddenly dropped to Medium and High causing '2 second delay lags'.
Currently I'm running a performance booster program for New Vegas and it works like before so until I've figured out the problem I can play this way but I really don't wanna be dependent on a boosting program when at first it worked fine without it.

If anyone has had a similar experience or knows why (because of my specs?) this has happened then please post what you did to fix it (if it "was" fixable).
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:11 pm

No matter what your issue, you are well served posting the results of a DX Diagnostic in your post. This will list codecs, drivers, hardware, other processes and so on that will help the tech monkeys figure out your issue.

It's easy and pretty fast.

-Click Start (or the windows button on 7)

-Click Run (should be near the bottom of the list in XP, on 7 it's in the right hand pane at the bottom)

-Type DXDIAG in the field in the pop up and hit enter, click yes on any pop up.

-A window will pop up, let it run (there's a progress bar in the bottom left in newer versions of DirectX) it wont take long.

-Once it is finished, click the button that says Save Information. Just save it to your Desk Top. It will be DxDiag.txt

-Open it in your text editor of choice, Select All, Copy

-Make your own new Thread here in the Tech Support forum, and paste that information into the end of your post.

-Put that info in a Spoiler box (other styles, top left of the Beth forum post edit box, either paste it into the pop up when you select spoilers from the Other Styles menu, or paste the text into the post, select it and then select Spoiler from the Other styles menu.) which will make it easier to read the thread.

Doing this will save you time, because if you post about an issue without a DXDIAG they're just going to tell you to post one before you get anywhere. Save yourself some time and trouble and do it first.

Posting a few details about your cpu, gpu and RAM aren't enough, they want the diagnostic.

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Jimmie Allen
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