None of this is as noticeable in first person mode though my weapon and sometimes arms will disappear. I have noticed in first person mode that if I turn around and look around after hearing a lot of item noise I can find the weapon bouncing around.
This is so strange sounding that were this not New Vegas, a game infamous for every bug fixed 4 more are introduced I'd laugh it off. Reloads and restarts does nothing to fix it. I just started noticing this last night after downloading the newest update for the first time.
I've also had way more in game crashes than normal. I'm talking maybe one every 2-3 hours of gameplay. I have NPC's as well as my own companions falling through the floor way more now and I lost Boone and the Vault 22 elevator trick didn't bring him back after firing him to do the DLC. He's just gone, out of game, no where to be found. It seems like I'm always manual saving every 10 minutes out of fear the game will crash on me. This just isn't enjoyable anymore.
I really want to love this game but it's just so frustrating. If I could play the DLC without the patches I'd just delete them from the system and play offline but that doesn't work, so I think I'm just going to trade this game in and stick with FO3.
I don't blame Bethesda at all, Obsidian is notorious for solid writing and great stories/characters but just awful amateur level coding and programming. I know that a lot of these new bugs get fixed every 3-4 months but a game like this shouldn't still be fixing bugs so late after sell, especially now that this game is 14 bucks new in a lot of places. I really wish I could be apologetic for this game and say the crashes and glitches don't stop me from having a good time or that they don't happen all that often, but honestly, once every 3-4 hours of gameplay is way too often to be acceptable this late after release.