How about making a list of the location of unique weapon!
Vanilla unique weapons-
All American, Pulse Gun - Vault 34 in the Armory.
Mysterious Stranger Magnum - Reward from quest "Talent Pool" from the Mysterious Stranger.
That Gun - In the Dino Store storage room, behind a "Easy" locked door on a shelf in Novac.
Gobi Campaign scout rifle - Found in a "hard" locked footlocker at the Sniper's Nest near Cottonwood Cove.
Ratslayer - Broc Flower Cove leaned against a desk with a terminal on it, the cave is near Ranger Station Charlie.
Lucky - Inside Bison Steve Hotel in the gift shop in a 'Hard" locked safe.
Unique DLC weapons (Honest Hearts) -
Compliance Regulator - Fallen Rock cave, which is near the Dead Horse's Camp.
The Survivalist's Rifle - At Red Gate in the Survivalst's Duffel bag near the White Leg's Camp.
Post more locations of unique weapon comrades!