I was searching around Gomorrah for some coffee mugs for my soon to be friend Muggy when I went in to the storage room on the Gomorrah Suites level. The one that has the dead prosttute killed by Clanden. To my surprise she was walking around in the room. You could even investigate the body the same as when she was dead. I cracked up. Was this a setup from the beginning by Cachino...I guess I'll never know! lol,lol,lol. HAs this happened to anyone else. Check it out and let me know?
now i didn't get round to seeing a dead prosttute but i did find clarenden asleep in his bed so snuck in and robbed his safe and gave the snuff tapes to cachino. i couldn't find clarenden after that, never mind any prosttute but i did find blood stains in ... bedroom? bathroom? can't rem. clarenden was a sick bugger. i wanted to kill him but he'd gone after telling cachino.
actually, i wanted to kill cachino too, his feelings of remorse being meaningless to me, but thought 'better the devil i know' than another nero and big sal. at least i have cachino's journal back from his safe in case he gets cocky again. i'm sure i could use it against him. he must be aware that it's not in his safe by now but hasn't mentioned it and is nice as pie to me whenever i go there.
i still don't know whether House is a good bet to have alive onside or in charge of vegas. after all, he's kept it thriving....mmmm... i dunno.
my next play i'm going for a melee & survival [for the thrown poisoned weapons... spread sting on a few spears/axes and your enemies are weak and sickly then go in for a special move finish]. annoying that u can't get the thrown knives/axes back.
anyway, back to topic...i'm hoping clarenden will come hunting for me for revenge. that would be so cool. very john wayne or even cowboy bebop!