Equipping Companions

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:28 am

What weapons and armors have you given to your companions ?

And what were the best and worst results ?

I like to give Boone an AMR and an LMG, he's skilled with both, but he'll eat up your ammo like candy. So you have to keep taking it away to keep him from wasting it.
And Veteran ranger armor.

I give Veronica Pushy and a Gauss rifle. She Loves Pushy , She'll complain about the Gauss rifle but she's really good with it . Sometimes I give her an incinerator so she can light up targets for me.
I know she can wear power armor , but she looks too good in metal armor for me to allow that.

Cass will tell you that she's good with dynamite , but don't give her any if you value your life . She's good with revolvers and repeaters of various calibers, decent with hunting weapons.
And she looks good in Raider Blastmaster armor .

Raul is like Cass with weapons except I usually give him power armor so I don't have to look at his ugly mug.

I don't use Gannon much, pre-patch all he did was complain.
And Lily's voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me .

I've learned the hard way never to give a loaded Fat Man to any companion.

So, Thoughts ?
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:33 pm

lmfao do they actually use the fat man?! :rofl:
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:34 pm

lmfao do they actually use the fat man?! :rofl:

Oh Yeah , Veronica killed all three of us launching it at the mantises outside vault 22.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:25 am

I can't stop laughing about Veronica and the Fat Man. :rofl: I've never used it and hidden away any nuke I found because we know nukes are bad. lol

Ok, so I always give the All-American to Boone and yes, he goes through ammo like candy so I buy surplus stuff to add to the other 5.56 I give him. I put him in the reinforced black leather armor because it looks so good with the red beret until he gets his 1st Recon Survival Armor. In this game I found Chance's Knife and he seems to like that so he's got that.

ED-E always gets the weapons upgrade.

Arcade is great with EW and seems to like the Q35 Matter Modulator at first and now he's got the Tri-Beam, which I think he prefers. He complains about needing more firepower when he's got the YCS186...I think he's crazy because it's the most powerful EW we have. :D He seems to like his Ripper so I don't worry about that and he's in Reinforced Combat Armor.

When Raul is with us, I can give him any gun and he's good to go. I think his preference was the Gobi when I'd give it up. I haven't yet tried it since the 1.3 Patch so he may have to fight me for it again. He's in Leather Armor until he gets his Vaquero gear.

Cass loves the Riot Shotgun and you're right about that dynamite. I've seen that for myself, ouch. Veronica loves Pushy and they both get Leather Armor. Rex gets Rey's brain and Lily has her giant weapon; I forget what melee weapon it is because I haven't traveled with her enough.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:33 am

I usually keep them in their starting outfits, 'cept Arcade to whom I give some light armor (reinf. leather) and Veronica who I give combat armor.
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:47 am

I try to equip them in a way that would be realistic for running and gunning around in the Mojave wasteland and I usually have them all set to ranged combat, yes even Veronica. She's a beast with energy weapons, and I kinda feel Unarmed is about the silliest combat style in the game but that's just me. As for weapons sometimes I will purposely keep them with less than the best weapon if I feel it serves a better roleplaying experience

- Veronica gets full T51b power armor with either Q35 Matter Modulator (unique plasma rifle) or fully modded Gatling Laser. Displacer Glove only when I don't want her wasting my precious ammo
- Cass in regular leather armor with a fully modded Hunting shotgun and biker goggles and her default hat
- Boone in reinforced leather armor, sunglasses, beret and default weapon
- Arcade also gets reinforced leather armor but with the scarf-type slave scarf (not bandana) and default glasses with default weapon usually or Q35 MM if Veronica isn't using it
- ED-E usually gets the armor from the BoS
- Rex usually gets Lupa's brain

I don't pal around with damn dirty mutants so I couldn't care less what Raul and Lily are doing or wearing

I don't see how Boone could be good with the AMR or LMG when his ST isn't high enough to use it properly unless you put him in Power Armor?
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:47 am

Boone gets the Gobi sniper rifle and NCR Trooper Armor (then his special armor after his quest)

Veronica gets Love and Hate, I've tried giving her more damaging weapons like pushy or the toaster ect.. but DPS must be what she goes for. Power Armor.

Cass gets Veteran Ranger Armor and Hunting shotgun, dinner bell when I do that quest

Raul gets the reinforced light armor and then the sneak armor from dead money, he uses the Ranger Sequia

Lily stays how she is, nothing I give her is good enough for her.

ED-E gets new gun

Arcade what little I use him, has reinforced metal armor and the unique laser rifle (always get it and the unique plasma mixed up)
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:23 am


I don't see how Boone could be good with the AMR or LMG when his ST isn't high enough to use it properly unless you put him in Power Armor?

I admit I had to look it up, his strength is 7 . Maybe the same rules don't apply to Boone ?

Give him the AMR and about 25-30 AP rounds when visiting the quarry and you'll hardly have to draw your weapon.

Give him the LMG for crossing the dam , or for Ceasars fort .

Trust me , it works.
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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:26 pm

maybe the ST requirements don't apply to companions?

We need someone to test this: Gunny!! :ahhh:
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:45 am

Boone generally gets a mid-range weapon from me. He is too aggressive when given a long-range gun, and ruins the gameplay for me, so I just give him This Machine or Assault Carbine.

Veronica gets Pushy and AER 14, usually. Q35 also works. When going against robots and Brotherhood Paladins, she gets a Pulse gun.

Lilly gets Oh, Baby. Not for long of course; I park her at the Lucky 38 as soon as her quest is completed, usually.

Cass gets a Riot Shotgun or Dinner Bell. She's got Shotgun Surgeon, so I figure why not make use of it?

Vaquero Raul gets a Brush gun or a Tral Carbine with handloads, depending on what I'm using. (I don't like competing with him for ammo). Non-Vaquero Raul rarely happens, but when it does, he gets Assault Carbine, usually.

Arcade is always a headache. I tend to leave him with his default Plasma Defender, sometimes adding AER 14 or the unique Gauss rifle to the mix.
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m Gardner
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:31 pm

Boone generally gets a mid-range weapon from me. He is too aggressive when given a long-range gun, and ruins the gameplay for me, so I just give him This Machine or Assault Carbine.

Veronica gets Pushy and AER 14, usually. Q35 also works. When going against robots and Brotherhood Paladins, she gets a Pulse gun.

Lilly gets Oh, Baby. Not for long of course; I park her at the Lucky 38 as soon as her quest is completed, usually.

Cass gets a Riot Shotgun or Dinner Bell. She's got Shotgun Surgeon, so I figure why not make use of it?

Vaquero Raul gets a Brush gun or a Tral Carbine with handloads, depending on what I'm using. (I don't like competing with him for ammo). Non-Vaquero Raul rarely happens, but when it does, he gets Assault Carbine, usually.

Arcade is always a headache. I tend to leave him with his default Plasma Defender, sometimes adding AER 14 or the unique Gauss rifle to the mix.

my god. who are all these ppl you are talking about. i've done some stuff with boone then send him home when veronica turned up.

after leaving a [censored]load of dynamite, various grens with her and her nearly killiing us all -ie, ED-E and me, too - with these whilst popping off a few measly coyotes i decided to go to hidden valley and did the virus and another mission for her and she got power armour but no helmet. great for her wqhen she's killing the rest of us with explosives [her throwing,STR, or explosives, must be so damn low cos she throws to about 4-5 feet ahead of her which = veronica? DO NOT GIVE GRENS OR DYNAMITE FOR HER TO CARRY. SHE EAGERLY USES THEM TO BLOW EVERYBODY UP!!

but you guys are talkinig about cass, arcade, raul [is he the ghoul repair guy? i didn't take him but i think i will go bck for him after boone's mission is done.. i just need boone for the deathclaws - i still have horrible memories of the enclave caging DCs and dropping them into city environs and my dropping plasma mines around their spawn points but them still fighting and moving like hellspawn thru city streets. bottlecap miines seemed to smash their legs nicely tho so kept them limping whilst i could blow their brains out], lily, rex [is that king's dog with the see thru brainbox? think i prefer ED-E w his weird Followers' energy gun.. don't know what it is but it melts most things and has a nice range tho ED-E isn't that good at range! thankfully!!].

i'm at level 28 got 97 guns, 90 EW, 62 Expl, and seem to be helping the NCR tho haven't met House yet but found computer info in H&H factory that leads me to believe he is a complete paranoid neurotic. soujnds like he has killed even his PA after killing his brother!!! what a nut!! sacked all the staff and replaced them with bots, too.

god i luv this game.
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:43 pm

my god. who are all these ppl you are talking about.

Not all of them are people...

i've done some stuff with boone then send him home when veronica turned up.

Umm, the intimate details of your personal life should really be kept private ;)

after leaving a [censored]load of dynamite, various grens with her and her nearly killiing us all -ie, ED-E and me, too - with these whilst popping off a few measly coyotes i decided to go to hidden valley and did the virus and another mission for her and she got power armour but no helmet. great for her wqhen she's killing the rest of us with explosives [her throwing,STR, or explosives, must be so damn low cos she throws to about 4-5 feet ahead of her which = veronica? DO NOT GIVE GRENS OR DYNAMITE FOR HER TO CARRY. SHE EAGERLY USES THEM TO BLOW EVERYBODY UP!!

Oh yes. The one time I trusted her with Pulse grenades, she used them all up on a Giant Mantis!

but you guys are talkinig about cass, arcade, raul [is he the ghoul repair guy? i didn't take him but i think i will go bck for him after boone's mission is done.. i just need boone for the deathclaws

Cass is best for the Deathclaws, actually. Give her a Riot Shotgun with slugs, and she will make short work of anything

Raul is the ghoul repair guy, yes. Great little helper, and with the right upgrade and a Brush gun, one of the most powerful companions.
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:56 am

I was so amazed at the success of Boone using the Experimental MIRV, I decided to replace the Service Rifle with MIRVs! So all of NCR can be packing! Take that Fiends! :flamethrower:
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:18 am

i've done some stuff with boone then send him home when veronica turned up

Umm, the intimate details of your personal life should really be kept private

I lol'd

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