Using this page as a reference
I did the numbers for laser weapons, but they dont seem to add up with those on the page. What am I missing?
Prior to weapon multipliers, second number indicates use of V.A.T.S or Light Touch, the third is with V.A.T.S and Light Touch.
Note: Add another 3% if the player is wearing Joshua Graham's Armor.
47% / 52% / 57% for laser Energy Weapons.
10% from Luck 10
10% from Laser Commander
5% from finese
4% from set lasers for fun
5% 1st recon beret
3% Joshua's armor
3% built to destroy
5% from using vats
45% from those
Light touch is appearently a bit different and not multiplied by crit multipliers on weapons. So with a pewpew, you would need at least 38% crit to reach 95% crit, with the last 5% from light touch bringing it up to 100%, thanks to pewpews 2.5x crit multiplier.