Lakelurk and Mirelurk weapons deal too much damage

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:18 am

Their embedded natural ranged weaponry deals too much damage, because in addition to the base damage dealt by the weapon (60 points), it applies an effect which deals an additional 50 points health damage that ignores energy resistance, but since their weapon is sonic based it should be subject to energy resistance. I changed the effect and removed the health damage, but increased the weapon base damage by 50 instead, which is the same if player has no energy resistance, but deals reduced damage if you take an atomic coctail or whatever.

But I must say, in general, I do not understand why health is used in this game at all, because the player character cannot survive a single hit on hardcoe difficulty, cause there's some insane damage multiplier in place that multiplies any damage dealt, but only when the player is the target. A deathclaw easily deals over 1000 points damage on a single hit, lakelurk weapons up to 200, way above 100 despite insane DT and high energy resistance, there is no way player can survive 2 hits by lakelurk weapons on hardcoe difficulty even with the fix above in place. 50 points DT, 35% energy resistance, BAMM! 70% health is gone. Usually no problem for me, cause I am sneak attacking, but there is this damn scavenger platform on a lake, I couldn't get a shot in VATS on lakelurks from the beach, so I started an assault on the platform, haha, stupid idea, killed immediately, couldn't even get close. Finally managed to swim onto the platform undetected from behind, cause you are detected in this game, you are dead, at least on hardcoe, no way you can survive enemy hits. So far, 2000 enemies killed, all sneak attacks, cause I always die if they detect me, it's really annoying how much damage enemies deal to player, especially if there are tons of them
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:49 am

Despite when you learned playing dungeons and dragons, sonic attacks are vibrations in the air, not "energy" the atomic cocktail should do absolutely nothing against a sonic blast.

If you don't want to get pounded by powerful attacks then don't play on hard or very hard difficulty. Why should they make the stronger creatures weaker just because some people can't handle the harder difficulties.
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:45 am

Really cause I stormed the Scav Platform on hardcoe no problemo.
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Wane Peters
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:39 pm

Really cause I stormed the Scav Platform on hardcoe no problemo.

I believe he's confusing "hardcoe" with hard and very hard diffuclty settings. On very hard enemies deal 200% damage. Turning those shrieks into incredibly deady weapons as those guys aim for your head.
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Rachael Williams
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:37 am

Even on veary hard I took the platfofm no problem I sniped three from the beach and finished the rest off with melee weopeons I was at level 23
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:16 am

I believe he's confusing "hardcoe" with hard and very hard diffuclty settings. On very hard enemies deal 200% damage. Turning those shrieks into incredibly deady weapons as those guys aim for your head.

He was confusing me with saying hardcoe too. As far as I can tell hardcoe has nothing to do with combat except use of medicine.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:06 pm

I believe he's confusing "hardcoe" with hard and very hard diffuclty settings. On very hard enemies deal 200% damage. Turning those shrieks into incredibly deady weapons as those guys aim for your head.

I hate Lakelurks, they are tough, they are dangerous up-close, and they aim for your head with that damn sonic attack, when there is a group, you have to duck and cover to avoid getting your head bombarded by sound.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:05 am

Yeah there pretty bad on very hard but thats the whole point of having higher levels of difficulty nerfing them kinda defeats the purpose of having hard hitting enemies, its not like their everywhere theres what 3 spots with em and if you really don't like it bump down to hard.
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:27 pm

They are not that bad. You cannot take two full hits but so what. The game is easy at it's worst. Lurks are a bit of a challenge but certainly not all that hard. You have time to duck into cover, they are not very quick. You can dodge the bolts if you strafe constantly. No VATS ... ever.

hardcoe, very hard.
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Yung Prince
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:32 pm

Literally just stormed the scavenger platform with my main character at level 13 and didn't even take one hit, killed all 7 lakelurks with A Light in Shining Darkness, so to me they're really not that much of a challenge. :shrug:
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:36 am

This is the same op who wanted to know why he couldn t sneak close enough to people to get a 95% head shot in vats all the time.

OP this game is super easy unless you have some kind of crazy mods on. I have to try to die most of the time, or go fight stuff at low levels I have no buisness dealing with.

To say lake lurks are hard.......... I respectfully disagree....

Maybe at level 5 they are hard, but by level 20-25 you should be 2. shoting them with a sniper rifle, or quickly dispersing them in a cave with the wide array of high damage smgs in this game. The .45smg, or 12.7mm smg will make mince meat out of lakelurks in seconds.

What are you doing? Trying to sneak up in there face to get a 95% vats head shot, and they blast you at point blank range.

Then you complain deathclaws are too hard. They are DEATH CLAWS. They should all be like the legondary deathclaw, but smarter.

I took out every deathclaw where Enclave pa was at with a LMG, and a sniper rifle without being touched on hard/hardcoe
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sunny lovett
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:28 am

never played hardcoe but i never had difficulty murdering them
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:20 am

I believe he's confusing "hardcoe" with hard and very hard diffuclty settings.

I am playing on both hardcoe and very hard difficulty, so basically with all the "ammo has weight" and "enemies deal increased damage" stuff

I don't know how you managed to kill the lurks on the platform, but I got killed in water before reaching the platform. It's not my fault the game won't allow you to sneak-swim, although swimming silently should be actually possible. Since you can't shoot while swimming, you are sitting in the water like a lame duck! But ok, as I said, I managed to swim on the platform from behind, without them ever seeing me. They got alarmed, searched around a little, but I was already on the platform, sneaking, they didn't see me, sniped them all away using the ratslayer, x5 crit modifier, 20% base critical chance on my character, over 200 points damage with Eye for an Eye perk etc., didn't even bother for them to calm down, enough damage with standard criticals. Revenge is sweet! DIE, lakelurks! But I really wanted to assault the platform, weapons blazing, but hell, it's impossible on highest difficulty no matter what you say. Cause it's simple math. One shot by lurks causes 70% damage, two shots = 140%, means you are dead and you can't do anything while swimming and they just shoot and shoot and shoot at you. I tried swimming below the water surface, but they can still see you. DAMN LURKS!
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:51 pm

Fully modified minigun = dead fishes. I can charge just about anything and tear [censored] up with that thing.
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:21 pm

I hate Lakelurks, they are tough, they are dangerous up-close, and they aim for your head with that damn sonic attack, when there is a group, you have to duck and cover to avoid getting your head bombarded by sound.

I miss Mirelurks. I don't like how all we've got now is these Lakelurks which are just Mirelurk Kings by another name. Never much cared for Kings in FO3 either, I just much prefer the design of the Mirelurk as this man-crab that wants to do to you what we've been doing to lobsters all these years. The Lakelurk is like the Elton John of the Lurk world, with his fruity cape and brain-destroying sonic attack.
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