But I must say, in general, I do not understand why health is used in this game at all, because the player character cannot survive a single hit on hardcoe difficulty, cause there's some insane damage multiplier in place that multiplies any damage dealt, but only when the player is the target. A deathclaw easily deals over 1000 points damage on a single hit, lakelurk weapons up to 200, way above 100 despite insane DT and high energy resistance, there is no way player can survive 2 hits by lakelurk weapons on hardcoe difficulty even with the fix above in place. 50 points DT, 35% energy resistance, BAMM! 70% health is gone. Usually no problem for me, cause I am sneak attacking, but there is this damn scavenger platform on a lake, I couldn't get a shot in VATS on lakelurks from the beach, so I started an assault on the platform, haha, stupid idea, killed immediately, couldn't even get close. Finally managed to swim onto the platform undetected from behind, cause you are detected in this game, you are dead, at least on hardcoe, no way you can survive enemy hits. So far, 2000 enemies killed, all sneak attacks, cause I always die if they detect me, it's really annoying how much damage enemies deal to player, especially if there are tons of them