So, the whole theme in my mod is that you travel back in time and whatnot. Now, there is an exterior area in this base that I have built, and you go there both in the past and the present. So I made the past version of the worldspace, it took like a month and I finally have it more or less complete. So, I had planned to just duplicate it, and slightly tweak the duplicate and make it the present time version of the area... However, whenever I right click on my worldspace in the worldspace list, and click Duplicate, the geck freezes and instantly crashes... It's not like the loading 'crash', it actually 100% legit crashes. Normally the windows 'the program has crashed' window comes up, but I can click 'wait for the program to respond' this doesnt let me. I checked in the task manager, and the GECK appears to be doing nothing. I'm going to try just letting it sit there, but I doubt that will work.
Does it crash for everyone? Can you simply not duplicate a worldspace? Is there some other way to do it?!? I have been working on the mod for 6 months now, and it all rides of whether or not I can duplicate this god dang worldspace. I can't recreate another version from scratch, it wont be close enough and would look horrible... I have reopened and tried again at least 10 times now, and it does the same thing each time. Please help if you can! :cryvaultboy: