Custom made world cell won't load. It doesn't freeze, just w

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:42 pm

I wanted to expand my robot deathclaws mod, by making a plane that goes to an island. I figured out how to make a new world cell... But somethings wrong. At first I added some enormous trees using nifskope, and some animated water on the edges of the island to make it feel more alive. After it didn't load, I removed those from the cell. I then tried loading it again... And it would not load. It didn't freeze just 20 minutes about passed, and no sign of loading.

Here are the screenshots of it, and the settings in the GECK. This is my first time ever making a world cell so it might be some newbish mistake... What am I doing wrong?
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Cat Haines
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:45 am

I figured out what went wrong. I had to set world space parent to none. I won't update this thread anymore, just saying this in case anyone in the future has a similar issue.
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Patrick Gordon
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