FNV Endings - Which one you chose and why

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:04 pm

I'm currently replaying NV to check the DLCs and an old doubt is eating me... which faction to support in the end game. I've finished the game 3 times and got the Mr. House, Independent Vegas and NCR endings... something I think Bethesta and Obsidian deserve kudos for is that this isn't a black and white choice: each option has its bright and dark sides, making the choice more complex. Here's how I feel about each one of them:

NCR: I've sympathized with the NCR since FO2 (and before when they were just Shady Sands in FO1) because they represent a return to the old world and things like democracy, order and so on. Still, corruption flourishes and brahmin barons run the show while the people's best interest is oversighted. To expand NCR sometimes does dirty things... Specifically concerning the Mojave, I think they outstretched themselves out of ambition: more lands, the eletricity of Hoover Dam. While I'm not naive enough to believe they're there to free the people and protect them from the Legion, I can see some advantages to NCR rule IF they can keep the their grasp of the land and effectively occupy and defend it

Mr. House: the man is a genius, there's no denying it. If not for him, the Mojave would be much more devastated than it is (thanks to his anti-missile system). He claims he can restore the technological marvels of the old world in some decades. But he doesn't care about what people want or what may happen to some of them for him to achieve his goals. He's some kind of white dictator, preferring to use manipulation over brute force (but not discarding it - just look at the Securitrons). If I were to put him in charge it would be for the beneficts of a technological renaissance he would bring.

Independent Vegas: this option appeals to me because I believe in self-determination. Plus it would mean a Vegas safe (for a time at least) of the threat of the Legion and free from the rule of NCR. It would be a lesson to the NCR about how they annex new territories, that they should listen to what people say and not simply roll over them and drop laws and taxes on their heads. It would put Vegas in a better position to negotiate a future annexation to the NCR - or maybe simply an Alliance. On the downside, it would case chaos in the area and many groups with less-than-honourable intentions would take advantage of the situation.

Legion: I don't like the Legion... they're slavers and totally brutal. Even if Caesar has some interesting ideas and plan to reform humans to his ideals his methods are simply unforgivable. The trade-off between order and lack of freedom he offers is simply not good enough

So what do you think about this? What faction you supported and why?
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:32 am

House is the best choice for Vegas.
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:16 pm

I'm doing a Caesar's Legion play through right now, however, I am always a good karma character and I do agree with the ideals of the NCR. Like almost every government, they sometimes fall victim to corruption and imperialism, but they are determined to return order and democracy back to the United States, they are a far less evil version of the Enclave
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Tom Flanagan
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