I wasn't crying, i said it would be nice, and gave a reasonable way they could set it up, so that it didn't interfere with the ending slides, as it said the Courier may return to the Mojave, so then the DLC would take you 15 years after the events that happened, and the Courier comes back. The map changes depending on what you did, and its possible as clarified by Jason Bergman.
The reason they decided not to do it, is because they were afraid people would get mad that they lost all there quest and then they would whine. News flash, its gonna happen either way, and its called just re load your saved game, or don't get the DLC, its not gonna harm anyone.
This is why i don't understand why people complain, no matter what your not gonna get exactly what you want, unless you mod it on a PC. Thats why Bethesda makes a big deal over modding, its why they allow the modding as most games don't. Fallout is such a big game and Bethesda or Obsidian can't do it all, so they allow you to mod, if you have the luxury of a top o the line computer.
I think getting it for computer is worth it, if you have a good computer. I am getting a computer this year for Christmas and plan on getting both Skyrim, and New Vegas for it. Thats also after i buy Skrim and New Vegas for my PS3. I enjoy Bethesda's game engine, and i enjoy the mods i have seen. Buying the game twice is well worth it.
I wasn't having a go at you for wanting a DLC to expand the game after the ending, I was having a go at the people who slated Bethesda for doing it with Broken Steel for Fallout 3, for all the 'Fallout fans' on here who clearly despise all but the first two games. They ripped Fallout 3 to shreds then they ripped Operation Ancherage to shreds, thent he Pitt wasn't good enough, Point Lookout was the only one to get any praise really. They all harped on about how the game was nothing like the originals and how Obsidian were going to show everyone how it should be done then New Vegas happened...
New Vegas was ripped to shreds and one by one all the dlc's too and so on. Why do these people play the games? Why do they come on here and slag the game off day in and day out?
I haven't always loved everything about the games or the DLC'c but I can honestly say I've loved all the games and DLC's as a whole.
You can't like every part of every game, DLC or quest but the way people go on on here it makes you wonder why they bother coming on forums of a game they hate everything about.
I'd love a DLC to expand the game after the final quest, I understand why they can't but why do people get so mad for us fans asking for it?
atleast we like the game and want more!
As for the PC mods and stuff, I played Falloput 3 and all the DLC's on my 360 then got the PC GOTY version, ran on full spec, got a load of mods 'cos I needed more Fallout but, I can honestly say although there are some talented people on these forums I haven't played a decent mod yet. they are rubbish, buggy and look like a rookie has done them.
It's great for up and coming wannabe programmers to learn but, if your expecting to get DLC or vanilla game quality you will be disappointed.
I stuck to my 360 for New Vegas and have had no desire to play the rubbish people bang on about on here.
Half of the time it's just extra weapons and lets face it, if you play Fallout for the weapons and shooting you're playing the wrong game. The quests are terible too.
Some good ideas, executed like a rookie. Unfortunately.
However, people on here will try and tell you differently, like it's the inner-circle of Fallout-ness. It's the inner-circle of disappointment... Save your cash!