scroll copy trick

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:44 pm

In OB a recent patch ended everyone's ability to copy items using arrows. Their is another way that allows you to copy non-reward items like a helmet or sword..find any number of scrolls(number of scrolls = number of copies if you are familier with arrow trick) on consoles press A or X twice on a stack of scrolls then find the item you want to copy and press X or Square to drop the copies. your game will slow down while the items drop. this can be don with lock picks, repair hammers if you use two scrolls you can duplicate most wearable enchanted items like rings. to dupe arrows make sure they are unequiped then press A or X twice on scroll stack. Locate the arrows and press A or X once. you will have an infinite supply of any arrow but you can't retrive them.
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:07 am

Ah, yes. Another game-breaking glitch, loved by those who like to get something for nothing. :)
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Adam Porter
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:16 am

I found it useful to get lots of money for my little brother before we got the PC version, he likes to muck about on Oblivion and doesn't have to patience to earn enough money to refurbish Battlehorn Castle :P. I don't like using it myself though 'cause I feel bad for cheating, even though it's a single player game :rolleyes:
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how solid
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:42 am

Don't mind me. I just have a warm place in my heart for people who use glitches to make the game easier, and then turn up the "difficulty slider" to make it harder. Or maybe it's heartburn. :wink_smile:
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Jack Moves
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:41 pm

Don't mind me. I just have a warm place in my heart for people who use glitches to make the game easier, and then turn up the "difficulty slider" to make it harder. Or maybe it's heartburn. :wink_smile:

I understand your position on the subject, and you're right to a degree. But, the same thing can be said for using mods, to give a player an edge. Console users don't have the luxury of mods. If it's used in moderation, I cant see that much of a problem with it. Like gaining money in the start, to upgrade a DLC, like the Spire or the Vile lair.
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james kite
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:10 am

I used the scroll trick yesterday to buy the Bravil shack for Risa. That's it now, she can earn her own way once I've given her a bit of a headstart. I felt a bit bad, but it is only the Bravil house, and she's got somewhere to store her crap now. I'd be racked with guilt if I'd bought the Skingrad house with it.
Just a question- can everything be duplicated? I had no problems duplicating other scrolls, potions, alchemy apparatus or even enchanted armour, but I couldn't duplicate lockpicks. It's not too much of a problem I guess. I can just sell other things that will duplicate and buy more lockpicks :thumbsup:
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{Richies Mommy}
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:28 pm

It depends on the amount of taps you give the X button, when you select the scroll stack. Tap once, should let you dupe most common items, including lockpicks. Tap twice to dupe enchanted items as well as the wrist irons. Dupeing enchants doesn't really give any pluses, they copy with the same name. So you can't wear 2 enchanted rings with the same name. The 2 tap method also has some issues where you will be unable to equip the original named version of the enchanted item. So I'd stick with the 1 tap. As I said, you should be able to copy lockpicks.

Some helpful dupes are, Varla and Welk stones, filled Grand Soul gems, empty Black Soul gems, and arrows
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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:37 am

I understand your position on the subject, and you're right to a degree. But, the same thing can be said for using mods, to give a player an edge. Console users don't have the luxury of mods. If it's used in moderation, I cant see that much of a problem with it. Like gaining money in the start, to upgrade a DLC, like the Spire or the Vile lair.

Hopefully everybody understands that I'm playing here. The smilies were there for a reason. It's your game, and your fun, and you should play it the way that makes your fun the best it can be.

I just like to poke fun at contradictions. :)

Edit: Yeah, I agree with you about the mod thing. I tend to use mods that improve appearance, that fix inconsistencies in the game, and that allow better role play. I use a leveling mod that removes my control over the process completely. I use an alternate start mod, so I don't have to deal with the prison thing. I use a bag of holding, but only for mages. I make my own little mods to put things into the world that are specific to the characters I'm playing.

I dislike mods that add imbalancing super advantages to the player.
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:18 pm

I know where you were going with that, G. I'm just swapping punches with ya. :prod:
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