Traps for me are more of a :facepalm: thing toward my own idiocy. Even though I think I've played the game enough times, I still fall for them. :blush: Mostly because I'm too much in a rush, I guess. Plus with OOO installed, you'd think that deadlier traps would be a good incentive for me to remember them.

Of the dungeons in Cyrodiil, I think I enjoy raiding forts the most, but hands down, I enjoy Shivering Isles' root caves the most of any dungeons in the game.
Edit: I'm not much one for the mines either. As Glargg mentioned, too much wood. Too much square cut wood that is.
Even though Alyied dungeons have interesting layouts, when I'm in them I get a vibe of, "Argh, too much concrete."