Favourite site to raid

Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:43 am

Not positive, but looking through her notes, it was fairly recent and I believe inside Fort Homestead.

Or was it Vlastarus? Nah I think you are right. I just remember seeing this one recently.
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:58 pm

Not positive, but looking through her notes, it was fairly recent and I believe inside Fort Homestead.

Maybe I′ll have Lothran check it out again. Feels it has been far too long now since last he raided a fort :)

I voted for Aleid ruins because they have some great loot, but forts would be a close second. The traps and things in Aleid ruins scare me quite a lot.

Indeed the traps can be quite annoying, not to mention deadly. Made a whole thread about them if you′d like to check it out :)

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liz barnes
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:47 am

Traps for me are more of a :facepalm: thing toward my own idiocy. Even though I think I've played the game enough times, I still fall for them. :blush: Mostly because I'm too much in a rush, I guess. Plus with OOO installed, you'd think that deadlier traps would be a good incentive for me to remember them. :D
Of the dungeons in Cyrodiil, I think I enjoy raiding forts the most, but hands down, I enjoy Shivering Isles' root caves the most of any dungeons in the game.

Edit: I'm not much one for the mines either. As Glargg mentioned, too much wood. Too much square cut wood that is.
Even though Alyied dungeons have interesting layouts, when I'm in them I get a vibe of, "Argh, too much concrete."
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:00 pm

Traps for me are more of a :facepalm: thing toward my own idiocy. Even though I think I've played the game enough times, I still fall for them. :blush: Mostly because I'm too much in a rush, I guess. Plus with OOO installed, you'd think that deadlier traps would be a good incentive for me to remember them. :D

Indeed, with that installed you really should be more careful ;) I know it would slow me down knowing the new hazards for Lothran :sad:

Even though Alyied dungeons have interesting layouts, when I'm in them I get a vibe of, "Argh, too much concrete."

Same here, I like to explore them but all the hardened surface is a bit too much. Still, whenever I see an Ayleid cask...
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:30 pm

As Glargg mentioned, too much wood. Too much square cut wood that is.

Yes, exactly. I'm a retired carpenter, and I think about things like this. I want to know where the sawmills are that produced all the boards you see in those mines. In ancient/medieval times, flat-cut boards were a rarity, and very expensive to make, because there were no rip-saws to cut them. They had to be split out of logs, rough-hewn flat with an adze or broad-axe, and then hand-planed smooth. They were only used for cabinet-work and furniture back then. Nobody would have tacked together the wooden structures you see in the Oblivion mines.
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:31 am

Camps, because I'm lazy. :P

But to answer the poll: caves. Dunno why.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:03 pm

Yes, I think that's what does it for me, too. With the old ruins, you get the feeling that you're really sneaking around in an ancient place.

It is the same with me. I also love the creative traps and deteriorating stone structures in the ruins.
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Austin England
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:19 pm

shivering isles dungeons. They have an awesome atmosphere and seem really ancient.
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Judy Lynch
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