So I got super excited with the announcement of Skyrim and had it preordered right after I saw the Original teaser online. And had that bad boy paid off in early Jan.
The 5th year anniversary was just released and I saw that it included a couple expansions that I never saw originally and figured it would be a good time to play it again. Now that I have played several hundred hours of the BGS formula I figured I could tackle the game in a new light. So I bought it, threw it into my 360 and even managed to make a female Dunmer that actually looked very nice. Half an hour in and things are looking roses...
Then I got control of my character...
WTF! The game lags like CRAZY! The game has to literally stop and think when I give it a command. Use a spell... STOP. Pull out my sword... STOP. Loot a body... STOP.
I dont remember the game being so horribly laggy. I regret picking it up. I never imagined that the game would run so poorly after being out for so long. What is the issue with performance. I just got to the part where you have your first fight. And I dont want to go any further, if this is the way it plays in a interior cell with few npcs and objects, I hate to see what will happen in the overworld.
I installed the game to my hdd & I cleared the cache. Is there nothing else I can do?
Im starting to rethink my Skyrim preorder. Ive now had issues with Beth products of late. New Vegas which I also preorder was unplayable for a couple of months. By the time it was playable it was bargain bin. That was upsetting. Brink and Hunted were underwhelming to say the least, heck im glad that I played those at a friends house and DIDNT buy them. The 5th year anniversary is extremely disappointing. :sadvaultboy:
I dont want to have to return it, but I will if there is nothing I can do about the unacceptable performance. Any advice my comrades?