Still, what worries me is that BS is taking no action whatsoever. I truly hope that the PS3 version will look and play as the 360 (or god forbid even better), but seeing as how BS is holding back any possible news it makes PS3 users wonder. This truly is not fair from a consumer point of view.
No, it isn't. Pre-order or not, pre-order not, pre-order or not... this dilemma is stuck in my head. Simply because it's a Bethesda game, I have little doubt I'll end up playing it, eventually, but I'm not comfortable blindly assuring that I will pay a full $60 for a product I can't see anything about (in this case, the PS3 version of Skyrim). Bethesda don't want to show a screenshot, Bethesda doesn't want to show gameplay footage, Bethesda don't want to answer this question with a little bit of depth beside a simple and generic "we're doing the best we can or the PS3 version looks sharp", Bethesda don't want to release a demo. They don't even seem to know how to comment on that collector's edition. Apparently, there's a pre-order map available, but I don't want to pre-order until I can go for a collector's edition and some information about the game on my platform, yet there's still nothing. I don't follow a lot of game developers and their actions too closely, but Bethesda's being
too secretive... too detached from their fanbase to even acknowledge certain worries with a deserved response.
I know, developers must not be people or something, but I'm sure it couldn't be too hard for one to be given permission by Todd to come on, detail how the situation is working out, and post some screenshot in a five minute post. Again, though... they're strangely detached... unable to even assure fans with an explanation of what's going on... as if they've been told not to do so. Why could that be? If this is some ridiculous marketing strategy, IT'S NOT WORKING. IT'S SIMPLY ANNOYING THAT ONE PLATFORM'S USERS GET INFORMATION ABOUT THEIR PRODUCT AND THE REST OF US DON'T. Of course, not everyone not playing the 360 version minds as much as I do, but it's still unfair. We're all still going to be purchasing the same game for the same price, so we deserve just as many updates about our versions. Meanwhile, Bethesda will probably continue to use a 6+ month long strategy of only showing off the 360 version in screenshots and footage.