Yes but companies don't help them selfs here either. If they made games to take advantage of the PC then they might just sell More PC games.
I'm sure I'll get some disagreement here, but.... what the heck, this forum's all about charging ahead with one's own opinions.

The way I see it?, the PC market for a game might be divided like so:
A - People who won't buy it anyway, they're just not interested in the genre
B - People who'll buy it (and sure, some of them may mutter that they wish it looked better)
C - People that would buy it, but can't run it because their hardware's too weak
D - People that would buy it if only it were more pretty.
Obviously, the divisions between groups vary by system requirements & game genre. (Crysis 1, when it first came out, group D probably didn't exist, and group C was large. Bejewelled probably has a very small group C, since it has low reqs.... and almost no group D, since puzzle games isn't really a big target of graphics nuts).
Groups A & B don't matter - they'll buy it or not, no matter what.
C & D.... maybe it's just me, but would you really want to cater to group D? People so shallow, that the only thing they care about is how pretty it is? That don't actually have any interest in your game beyond "Oooooooh, shiny!"? Are they really fans that you'd like to have? (Crytek's answer is obviously Yes.

) Also, group C seems like it could easily be the largest source of potential sales (at least my faith in humanity - hah - makes me hope that group D isn't terribly large in the grand scheme of things....)