Tired Of The Same Old Quests?

Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:47 am

Don't get me wrong, first off. Oblivion is my favorite game and is the only game I care about as of the moment until Skyrim. But frankly, there are too many quests that have the same concept just with different NPCs. Retrieve this, get rewarded. Acquire X amount of these, get rewarded. Kill this guy, get rewarded. You guys know what I mean? And there are some pretty pointless rewards for some quests, IMHO. I've been thinking almost all day about how kind of quests could be improved and newly created. First thing I started to think about was what quests could involve kidnapping. And then I came to think "What if a couple of two Dunmer (Husband & Wife) were kidnapped by a small clan of necromancers in their underground hideout?" To me, this already sounds interesting. "And what if the couple were in separate cells throughout the cave?" *NO MARKERS LEADING TO THEM* You legitimately have to search the entire cave from top to bottom without using any sort of way to track them, but you do find out information from the necromancers while in sneak mode. To get back to the point I'm trying to make...I believe Bethesda has the knowledge and skills to pull off some interesting and exciting quests like this one I have just imagined. And as for a reward, other than gold or a weapon, I would say receive free blade training...just for an example.

What and how would you like to see the quests that play throughout Skyrim?

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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:10 am

Morrowind was even worse. So they improved from there already.
Quests in ES IV were one of the few things I enjoyed in Oblivion.
Skyrim will be better I think.
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:47 am

There were many diverse quests in Oblivion, but I suppose there were some moments where you said "one of these again eh?". But it didn't bother me that much.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:24 pm

Obviously Guild quests all seem to be similar, as that is what the guild does.

You wouldn't want the DB quests with only 1 assassination mission now would you?

But as for general side quests, we have already from Todd Howard that there would be Rescue Kidnapped people missions through Radiant Story-Telling.
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:37 pm

as i have never played any of the other scrolls games i was thinking of getting this one. but from reading this thread is the game just a core of maybe 4 different quests on repeat throughout the game. i was hoping that there was going to be a great level of depth to the game from what I've been reading in other threads.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:41 am

And there are some pretty pointless rewards for some quests, IMHO.

I thought almost every single reward/armor/weapon in the game were pointless or worthless. . .

Only a handful of things that you couldn't make improved versions of with enchanting.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:25 pm

as i have never played any of the other scrolls games i was thinking of getting this one. but from reading this thread is the game just a core of maybe 4 different quests on repeat throughout the game. i was hoping that there was going to be a great level of depth to the game from what I've been reading in other threads.

No. Like I said, don't get me wrong. Oblivion is really fun but it does mostly have repetetive quests. You should definitely get this one though. I'm playing it right now.
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leigh stewart
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:53 pm

So your complaint is that quests in Oblivion were too generic? I dont know and I hope I am wrong about this but from what I have heard of "radiant quest" it sounds as if it may only get worse in Skyrim.
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:03 am

I thought Oblivion got quests better than any of its predecessors, so no, I'm not tired of Oblivion-style quests. Keep up the diversity, Bethesda, and don't stop improving on quest design, if you can help it. :goodjob:
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Milagros Osorio
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:04 am

In terms of quests (if nothing else) Bethesda's imagination certainly expanded with Oblivion too. In Morrowind I did about 10 quests for the Morag Tong. All of them were "Go to this random location and kill this random guy with no story and no twist, just kill him in any way and you don't even have to be sneaky about it because nobody will attack you and you have legal permission to kill him." In Oblivion, you got all sorts of things. Sneaking onto the pirate ship, faking someone's death, sneaking into an alcove and killing a guy by dropping something on his head, then sneaking past his butler, and so on. Same with other guilds and some sidequests and stuff. I believe this will be further expanded in Skyrim.
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Jack Moves
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:20 am

I still don't exactly know where the OP is coming from, there were maybe like 4 quests that were similar. The rest amazed me, especially the daedric quests, those were the best. And the ones you pick up from around town were also pretty interesting.
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:16 am

Obviously Guild quests all seem to be similar, as that is what the guild does.

You wouldn't want the DB quests with only 1 assassination mission now would you?

But as for general side quests, we have already from Todd Howard that there would be Rescue Kidnapped people missions through Radiant Story-Telling.

The funny thing is that the DB questline had some of the most diverse quests. It's not necessarily about the task, it's about how you're required to do it. But I think Oblivion had a lot of good quests, including the "Ten little indians"-massacre in Skingrad :P

Obviously there'll be the generic, random (almost at least) radiant story quests so you always have something to do. But there'll also be hand crafted ones, and I reckon they'll have much more variation. The boring fetch this and that, kill him and her etc. will probably be the RS-quests.

But I expect way more diversity with the supposed improvements in AI and hopefully there'll be a few quests where you have to manipulate people now that they've implemented a deeper relationship system.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:39 pm

It would be nice, but I kind of doubt it.

I'm sure there will be a handful of unique quests, but I wouldn't expect more than ten.
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Jack Moves
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:35 am

I would have liked a quest to "solve conflict between x and y" without actually giving you any clues and you could try different methods according to your play style. Black widow and lady killer, anyone? I just loved that in Fallout you could use perks like the two to solve a quest in a completely different manner.

And I think the game should give us more moral choices, and even more in gray areas rather than black and white. (Like the pitt quest in FO3) And maybe the outcomes could turn out differently, like the Tenpenny tower's ghoul problem?
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:35 am

I would have liked a quest to "solve conflict between x and y" without actually giving you any clues and you could try different methods according to your play style. Black widow and lady killer, anyone? I just loved that in Fallout you could use perks like the two to solve a quest in a completely different manner.

And I think the game should give us more moral choices, and even more in gray areas rather than black and white. (Like the pitt quest in FO3) And maybe the outcomes could turn out differently, like the Tenpenny tower's ghoul problem?

this..........no hand holding, let me figure it out and have consequences both good and bad down the road. its one of the reasons i liked fallout 3 and fallout NV way more than oblivion was because the quests had different ways of solving them.

the pitt was actually pretty black and white for me. i didnt like either of the main protagonists so i killed them both and gave the baby to the slave lady.

the only quest i really really enjoyed in oblivion was the one where you went into the house and had to kill all the people in it. i played that quest over and over again doing it a different way everytime and it was a blast. i hope they have more of those in skyrim.
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:48 am

I liked the quests in Oblivion. Whodunit, A brush with death. the mission where you kill Valen Dreth( sooooo satisfying), Caught in the hunt and Imperial corruption being a few of my favourites.
Radiant story should make it more interesting anyhoo.
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:15 pm

A lot of RPGs suffer from this in my experience, often, quests seem to follow a few standard templates, just with different things pasted into different slots, and a story written around it to explain why you should do it, or maybe they write the story first and then think about what kind of objectives would make sense for it, but either way the results are usually repetitive. It would probably help a bit if we had more quests like the ones in Fallout 3, in other words, multi-stage quests, pontentially having twists before the end, where your ultimate objective is not necessarily clear from the start, and adding choices that can affect the outcome of the quest is nice too (As opposed to choices which don't effect the outcome of the quest, like that one quest in Bruma where even if you decide not to kill that woman, dramatic convenience comes in and does it for you.) of course, in Fallout 3's case having individual quests be better than those in Oblivion evidently came at the expense of having a much smaller amount of side quests, which I wouldn't want for Skyrim, so I'd say we should have some quests like that but some more generic ones, though not TOO generic and straight forward, "Go upstairs, put this fake soul gem in a desk, then come back down again." is just boring .
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:51 am

I just want a lot of quests. I just hate it in Fallout 3 and new vegas when the quests stop comming after a very short time of playing..
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:51 am

I liked the longer, more involved Fallout 3 sidequests. They felt more epic and distinct from each other.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:13 am

The funny thing is that the DB questline had some of the most diverse quests. It's not necessarily about the task, it's about how you're required to do it. But I think Oblivion had a lot of good quests, including the "Ten little indians"-massacre in Skingrad :P

Obviously there'll be the generic, random (almost at least) radiant story quests so you always have something to do. But there'll also be hand crafted ones, and I reckon they'll have much more variation. The boring fetch this and that, kill him and her etc. will probably be the RS-quests.

But I expect way more diversity with the supposed improvements in AI and hopefully there'll be a few quests where you have to manipulate people now that they've implemented a deeper relationship system.

Oh i agree about the DB quests being the best and most diverse quest line in the entire game. But the other guild quests didn't really offer anything for me. although last thieves guild mission was great, but it followed the same outline as every other thieves guild quest (Steal this, KTHNXBAI)

But one thing we can all agree on is that they learnt alot from Oblivion and put that into FO3, so should be able to assume that they learnt from that and made an even better experience for Skyrim and it's quest lines.

(oh, and stop mentioning NV, Bethesda only Produced it, they didn't develop it) but hopefully they learnt abit from Obsidian
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:21 am

Just don't take away my Fighter's Guild/Warrior Guild quest to kill rats in some house for some poor widow! :rofl:
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