crap graphics since 1.9

Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:46 am

ok i know im old skool but im still running 32bit with a P9500 cpu and 260gtx with 4gb ram.
from release day of crysis 2 and up until the 1.9 was released i was getting perfect graphics with no stutter or lag.
now my maps are darker and grainier with quite a lot of lag.

i know i cant upgrade much as i need 64bit but has anyone got any suggestions of what i can do to resolve this.
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:45 am

Did you try r_postmsaa = 0? That feature is broken on my video card. Crysis2.exe is 32bit game, so having a 64bit OS is irrelevant.

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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:52 pm

playing Crysis 2 (with 1.9) on ultra makes everything darker and grainier.

try a "lower"setting like extreme.
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:11 am

Did you try r_postmsaa = 0? That feature is broken on my video card. Crysis2.exe is 32bit game, so having a 64bit OS is irrelevant.

what would i have to do with r_postmsaa = 0 and where would i find it. not used to changing files in games.

playing Crysis 2 (with 1.9) on ultra makes everything darker and grainier.
try a "lower"setting like extreme.

ive never changed any setting ingame. from day 1 it was set to extreme and now they are set to high so one of the patch updates must have changed them.
im not bothered with frps as long as i can play and its not jumpy and lags like black ops as ive given up on that game because of the lag.
crysis 2 ran perfect from day 1 up until a week or so ago.
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:52 am

..i know i cant upgrade much as i need 64bit but has anyone got any suggestions of what i can do to resolve this.
The only thing right now you can do is mess with your game.cfg, for brightness mess about with this command >>
r_HDRLevel = 12, if that's too bright or dark move it from about 10 - 15, now's a config that de-activates much of the shading and post processing effects >>

Paste this into your game.cfg, for your setup it may be better changing 'sys_spec = 4' to 'sys_spec = 3',r_Driver = "DX11'' to r_Driver = "DX9'' after you done that make the file read only, this should help a little but what we all need is for the game to be optimized(which will probably happen soon as nvidia usually release a new driver every month or so, though this next driver will probably be the most advanced ever made so it could take longer).

Here you go:

-- [Game-Configuration]
-- Attention: This file is re-generated by the system! Editing is not recommended!

r_Driver = "DX11"
r_fullscreen = 1
r_Height = 1080
r_Width = 1920
sys_highrestex = 1
sys_spec = 4
g_skipIntro = 1
sys_spec_PostProcessing = 0
r_HDRLevel = 11
r_HDRBrightLevel = 0
cl_fov = 80
r_UseEdgeAA = 0
r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 0
r_PostMSAA = 0
r_SSAO = 0
r_ColorGrading = 0
e_GI = 0
r_HDRBloomMul = 0
g_radialBlur = 0
pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov = 80
r_DrawNearFoV = 80
i_mouse_accel = 0
i_mouse_accel_max = 100
i_mouse_smooth = 0
cl_zoomToggle = 1
cl_crouchtoggle = 1
g_enableInitialLoginScreen = 0
r_MultiGPU = 0
g_useHitSoundFeedback = 1
r_NightVisionBrightLevel = 0
r_NightVisionCamMovNoiseAmount = 0
r_NightVisionCamMovNoiseBlendSpeed = 0
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