Just want to reply to a post from a duplicate thread (it was locked).
I am surprised at the lack of complaints regarding the downgrade to a 3 stat system with Skyrim. Then again, mods do tend to remove the threads they dont like. To the people who complain about stat mechanics as a well known and used game challenge (resource management and choice & consequence), I would recommend trying to find pleasure in another genre. It reminds me of the people who would claim to love football but want less physical confrontation and player names being on the screen.
It is a sad day when all games have to conform to this casual and often brainless form first/third person action hack and slash entertainment because the masses cant seem to enjoy diversity in game mechanics and challenge mechanics.
Well, actually by the way Bethesda is designing the game, it sounds like they are telling people like you to go find another game... -shrugs-
And maybe you haven't checked, but there are just as many arguments for the new system, arguments that the game is just as complex as before (some argue that its more complex), but now done better.
You don't have to agree with me or anyone else for that matter (I'm sure you won't, and thats your right), but at least don't come in here talking as if people who disagree with you are just a bunch of hack and slash lovers who don't "enjoy diversity and challenge in game mechanics". I've been playing role playings games since they were text based MUDs and roguelikes. I've been here through the D&D years. I've played TES since Daggerfall. Yet I still think the new setup is an improvement. Surprised?