Have you tried vanilla falloutnv? Since you have mods you need to find out if it is a mod causing the problem first. I dont know what mods you have so.
Try this:
1. Make a clean save. Go to a cell that isnt being effected by any mods. Id suggest victor the robots shack in goodsprings. Its close to the school house. Facing away from the docs house head right down the road and keep going
untill you see a shack. Head inside and make a new manual (not quick) save. Then exit the game.
2. Disable all your mods. Uncheck them all in FOMM or wrye flash. If your using alot of mods then you should be using wrye flash for conflicts (bashed patch).
3. Disable archive invalidated. If your using FOMM then its under the tools menu. Make sure to run FOMM "as admin". RIght click on the shortcut and select run as admin.
4. BACKUP all 3 .ini files then delete them.
Backup (make a new folder and put these files in it)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\fallout_default.ini
\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\fallout.ini
C:\Users\\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\falloutprefs.ini
Then delete all 3.
5. Validate the game cache.
1) Open Steam
2) Right click on Fallout: New Vegas
3) Hit Properties
4) Click the "Local Files" tab
5) Click on "Verify Integrity of Game Cache"
This should redownload the fallout_default.ini
6. Startup the game. The launcher will redetect your video settings. Make changes if you want then continue. Load the clean save. It will prompt you with
"some objects might not be present" or something like that. Just click yes to continue. Dont leave victors shack. Make a new save and exit. Again a manual save not quick.
7. Now startup the game again and load the most recent save you made from the last step. Then try the zoom out. Can you see your character? You can go outside if victors shack is too small.
If you can see your character the you have troubleshooting to do. Id suggest you sort of reverse these steps. Start out with adding back the .inis. Then apply archive invalidated again. If your character is still visible zoomed out then keep going.
Startup some of your mods. Try again untill you cant see your character.
Try this first and see if it works. Post your results.