Or bring out his paladin with 18 charisma and 97 hit points and use his helm of disintegration and do 1D4 damage as his half elf mage weilds his plus 5 holy avenger.
Only 1d4? The paper could do better damage!
Now gather 'round everyone, as I tell you what a renaissance fair is really about...
1) Beer.
2) Big briasted women.
3) sixual innuendos. LOTS of sixual innuendos.
4) A very poor excuse for role play.
5) Half-naked women.
5.5) Half-naked men.
6) A look back into the past of what the renaissance...probably wasn't about whatsoever. Yay for numbers 1 - 5.5!
I really don't think they could pull this off for TES alone.
On the other hand, Lord of the Rings gets these types of events. Maybe TES can get a shot at it too?