Ok I will ask it differently. How mant frames per second would a computer need to put out to produce something equal to what the human eye can see?
I know how the eye works I was trying to get a comparison for a computer if that makes sense :blink:
Okay, I think I understand what you're trying to say. How many frames would it take to successfully create the illusion of what the human eye can perceive? It's still impossible to say, because again, we don't process the world in frames. 60 FPS seems to work pretty well especially for fast paced games like first person shooters. 30 FPS is alright, you know what's going on and can process the movements well enough, some people get kind of sick or get headaches when they look at lower frame rates, because this is simply not how our brains were meant to process motion, and the same thing goes for 3D in terms of processing depth. I would say more frames the better, with a slight motion blurring to fill in the gaps until we have the technology needed to capture and show motion in a constant beam of light.