why is there no brotherhood of stell outcasts

Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:33 pm

If you refuse to adapt, you will be destroyed. They are on that path.

Exactly, they've served their noble purpose, now they should die out, because the MWBoS and CWBoS are no longer BoS, or should be called that, they are completely different than what the BoS was, its like a knitting group called "Bleeding Skulls of Hell", it just doesn't make sense, even if the members were all once part of that, they aren't that anymore, and its just strange that they would call themselves something that they just aren't.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:36 am

Exactly, they've served their noble purpose, now they should die out, because the MWBoS and CWBoS are no longer BoS, or should be called that, they are completely different than what the BoS was, its like a knitting group called "Bleeding Skulls of Hell", it just doesn't make sense, even if the members were all once part of that, they aren't that anymore, and its just strange that they would call themselves something that they just aren't.

I think the NCR has a bigger chance of dying out rather than BoS
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:05 am

i want to know why there are no outcasts in fallout new Vegas i know the BoS was wiped out and the outcasts are a faction but couldn't there at least be a small base or be like the enclave

First: what do you mean "I know the BoS was wiped out." The BoS in California, Mojave Chapter or the BoS in DC under Lyons? I doubt you are talking about the Midwestern BoS. It does not really matter because none have been confirmed to have been "wiped out."

Second:The Outcast are over 3000 mile away from Las Vegas and are a small group. Why would they be in the Mojave?

Third: The Enclave don't have a base in the Mojave. The Remnants that were once part of the Enclave have a small Vertibird Hanger.
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:06 am

Second:The Outcast are over 3000 mile away from Las Vegas and are a small group. Why would they be in the Mojave?

I'm hoping he assumed that they should have made their journey back from DC by now, since in Fallout 3 they talked about their ultimate goal being to head back west ( to Lost Hills though).

Hopefully it wasn't just a case of I love faction X therefore they should be at location Y.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:31 am

I'm hoping he assumed that they should have made their journey back from DC by now, since in Fallout 3 they talked about their ultimate goal being to head back west ( to Lost Hills though).

Hopefully it wasn't just a case of I love faction X therefore they should be at location Y.

I can understand if he was asking about why haven't we seen them return. I guess that would be because they are still doing what they are doing in DC and will be along time before they come back to Lost Hill, if ever. I hope they take that Maxson kid back with them.

If it is a case of "I love faction X therefore they should be at location Y" well I will just have to :rolleyes:
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le GraiN
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:12 am

Second:The Outcast are over 3000 mile away from Las Vegas and are a small group. Why would they be in the Mojave?

Vegas has alot of tech. But I see your point. Traveling 3000 miles of wasteland and radiation as a small faction would be quite problematic. Also theres no vehicles they would have any chances to aquire. To settle down in New Vegas would be even more problematic with factions like NCR owning most of the land.
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:59 pm

Vegas has alot of tech. But I see your point. Traveling 3000 miles of wasteland and radiation as a small faction would be quite problematic. Also theres no vehicles they would have any chances to aquire. To settle down in New Vegas would be even more problematic with factions like NCR owning most of the land.

It also makes less sense for them to go to Vegas from DC to look for tech, when they originally came from California and went to DC looking for Tech. Why go all they way to DC for tech only to turn around and go to the Mojave for tech. One would think you would go to the Mojave first, then to DC.
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:13 pm

It also makes less sense for them to go to Vegas from DC to look for tech, when they originally came from California and went to DC looking for Tech. Why go all they way to DC for tech only to turn around and go to the Mojave for tech. One would think you would go to the Mojave first, then to DC.

Yup, they would probably stay in D.C for alot longer before they move. They would most likely aquire alot more tech and gather a decent amount of soldiers before they would leave. Even if they leave I still think they would continue their "campaign" in D.C.
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:10 am

It also makes less sense for them to go to Vegas from DC to look for tech, when they originally came from California and went to DC looking for Tech. Why go all they way to DC for tech only to turn around and go to the Mojave for tech. One would think you would go to the Mojave first, then to DC.

Well in Fallout 3 they stated that their intention was to go back to the West Coast and the western elders. So its actually likely that they went back.

But they wouldn't have stopped in the mojave, and it isn't even in their path necessarily. They would have gone to Lost Hills. So yeah, they shouldn't be in the Mojave.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:02 am

Holy crap on a stick with extra mustard, son. You just picked the wrong day to ask a question like this. Today's what I like to call "Freaky Crazy Nerdrage Day". It happens every night before a game or DLC release. And you gotta go ask a question just begging to be stomped on by the Dinosaurs. Stomped on like a danish ant by a clog shod Olga. Run for the nearest bunker and hunker down tight. Good luck, son. You're gonna need it. Make sure you save the last round for yourself.

-Gunny out.

Was about to post a rage post.... then saw this and bust out laughing. :biggrin:
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:34 pm

Well, there's Veronica. If anyone would lead a group to separate from the western BoS, it would be her.

I want that for her ending, separating a group from BoS with more open relations to other groups for the good mankind (and propably ditching the BoS name completely to avoid the prejudices that go with it) :)

Unfortunately it seems the other members are too fanatical for that to happen :shrug: Well, she has my EW character's support ^_^
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