A Heretic, A Hero
This archive of my doings in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is separated into two distinct parts. The two main overviews and each daily blog is written in different styles, hence the two parts. The first part of each blog is more of a literal take on my adventures; basically a straightforward log with little to no creative addition. The second part is a creative tale of my personal Oblivion story. It's a role-playing diary in simplest terms, and much like what you would see in Fan Fiction sections of this forum. In this part of the blog, I like to stray away from the set story that The Elder Scrolls lays out. If you see material you've never heard of before in this part, it's most likely because I made it up. All fan fiction blogging will be easily distinguished because it will all be in italics.
With that aside, welcome to my first ever TES game blog!
Introduction of Me
Maybe it would be beneficial to know some stuff about the real me first.
Real Name: Keeghan
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Location: Usually South Carolina, United States of America; currently Illinois, United States of America
Timezone: Usually Eastern (GMT -5), currently Central (GMT -6)
Hobbies: TES4: Oblivion on Xbox 360, TES: Arena on PC, Runescape, lots of other Xbox 360 games, reading, writing, drawing, 90's music, sad movies.
Career Ambition: Video Game Script Writer (whadda ya know!? :hehe:)
Introduction of My Character
Full Name: Lulla Elnoill
Gender: Male
Race: Bosmer (Wood Elf)
Birthsign: The Mage
Class: Glowbranch (Custom)
Major Skills: Alchemy, Alteration, Conjuration, Illusion, Marksman, Restoration, Sneak
Fighting Style: Bow and arrow, strictly daggers for melee, strictly non-damage dealing magick (Learn more about this odd fighting style as my fictional diary unfolds)
Appearance: Very sixy
All though I'm sure this will soon become clear on its own, I'd like you all to know that I am VERY new to The Elder Scrolls saga. I've currently only played through Oblivion once and have recently started Arena. Because of this, I'll probably come across as a baby-faced noob to the majority of you. Please don't be offended when I refer to things like the Ayleids as "ancient elf people" or if I call every god Talos. Just please correct me via post or PM to save me some embarrassment :facepalm:.
I will probably make some questionably "unorthodox" decisions during my adventure. Most will be a result from ignorance, but some could also be in respect of role-playing. For instance, I chose to be a Wood Elf despite my play style being better suited for a Dark Elf. I did this on purpose, since the role-playing I'm doing revolves largely on being an exiled Wood Elf.
Lulla Elnoill Presents: A Tale of My Time
As previously stated, I am really new to The Elder Scrolls. Doing creative writing on a subject that one is unfamiliar with is obviously difficult and pretty much impossible in terms of content accuracy. Because of my ignorance of the vast lore that Nirn contains, there will be A LOT of technical errors and contradictions. This is only because I'm new to this game and know very little lore. If you find any faults, please PM me or post on the thread so I can fix it.
For now I'll be pretty much making up everything I don't know, lol.
As previously stated, I am really new to The Elder Scrolls. Doing creative writing on a subject that one is unfamiliar with is obviously difficult and pretty much impossible in terms of content accuracy. Because of my ignorance of the vast lore that Nirn contains, there will be A LOT of technical errors and contradictions. This is only because I'm new to this game and know very little lore. If you find any faults, please PM me or post on the thread so I can fix it.
For now I'll be pretty much making up everything I don't know, lol.
I sit now smoking this ancient pipe, elbow rested on the arm of a crudely craved rocking chair, eyes fixed on the slowly dying flames in the fireplace. As you can tell by the countless journals laid out on the floor around me, I've just finished another long session of reminiscing about earlier days. A situation I find myself in much too often these years.
The room in which we speak is where I now occupy most of my time. This room is my study, filled with accounts of my life accomplishments and strange mementos. Behind us you will see my library. The immaculate oak bookcases it is contained in were carved by myself. Carved by magick, not hand of course. All the oak was imported from Valenwood *deep chuckle*. In this library you will find nearly every literary piece ever written in all of great Tamriel.
I am not a host of many visitors, I must admit. Few people know the location of this home. I can only guess how you managed your way around the river moats and enchanted trees. Whatever the case, you have earned your stay here in my abode.
Please, take a seat and rest on the sofa behind you. Cozy, eh? You can thank a band of pesky Khajiit for the comfort; it's cushioned with their furs *deep chuckling*!
So, back to business. What is your business anyway? What brings you to this lonely address?
Wha-... Really? You wish to hear of my tales? I am always most delighted to tell them! As a result from pouring over my old diaries everyday, and much study of Tamriel's history, I think I can give you quite an accurate account of my life.
If you'd sit back further in that sofa, I'll grab you vial of special draught I've been working on. It should make the telling of my tale a bit more enjoyable and comfortable to your ears.
There we are. Now, where shall I begin...