Soul trap question

Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:35 am

Sorry I just can't remember, I'm making a bow but I couldn't remember if it made a difference if I put soul trap first or last , and is 1 sec long enough? Thanks in advanced.
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Ben sutton
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:56 am

Sorry I just can't remember, I'm making a bow but I couldn't remember if it made a difference if I put soul trap first or last , and is 1 sec long enough? Thanks in advanced.

According to everyone else and the wiki, they say soul trap goes at the end, but it doesn't really matter. I have soul trap in the middle of some weapons, and works fine. Just put the weaknesses at the end, cuz they are the first to be applied.
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:29 am

I'm probably not the best placed to answer as i'm not a bow user with many characters, but ive had it on weapons, swords and such before. I wouldnt expect it to make a difference if you put it first or last, and if my thinking is correct so long as you make the killing shot with said bow 1 sec should be fine. Maybe make a save before enchanting the bow, try it out and you can always go back to alter anything that needs changing. The way you have described doing it in my opinion sounds fine mate. Just make sure to save before you go ahead with it just in case =)
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Saul C
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:59 pm

People have argued about where it should go or how long it should be.

Some folks have reported that with only 1 second, they sometimes miss the capture. These folks seem to like 2 seconds. The extra second is a pretty small cost difference.

As far as soul trap's location in the effects list, I suspect it has no real effect, but that is primarily because I have seen arguments on here promoting listing it first, while others promote listing it last.

I can only share my own experience: Buffy's bow has soul trap x 1 second as the last effect. She has captured over 3000 souls with it experiencing no problems. I'm not saying this is the best or only way to do it, only that I am happy with it that way. :foodndrink:

Edit: Note that the damage effects on Buffy's bow are also only one second.
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:32 pm

I'm not saying this is the best or only way to do it, only that I am happy with it that way. :foodndrink:

Great line that, covers so many aspects of OB, trial and error mixed with good advice until you're happy. Simple but so very true.
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:01 am

As far as I can tell, the only thing that's important is that soul trap needs to be at least as long a duration as the longest other effect on the weapon. I believe there's a chance of missing the trap if the duration is the same, given the way that some damage-type spell effects count down and apply. For that reason, I usually add one extra second to the soul trap.

I don't think it matters where in the list of effects that spell is located.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:52 am

From my experience, the location doesn't seem to mater. I always list it first, with no problems. As far as duration...IMO, it depends on the enchantment duration or the timed effect of poisions. All of my melee weapons are enchanted with 1 sec Drain Health. So the Soul Trap doesn't need to be more than 1 sec. I have always extended the duration of bows to match the enchantment or poison. But, Acadian would have as much experience as anyone, and definitely more than me, with the success of an enchanted bow. Advise that would be well taken.

EDIT : Ha! Ninjd by G...
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