You'll need to have a copy of TES4Edit in order to fix it. After doing the normal cleaning, there is one script that needs to have its formID changed.
With TES4Edit open, expand the branch for KvatchRising.esp. Then expand the branch for "Script". The first one on the list will be formID 000A79EC. Right click on that script, select "change form ID" and change it to: 030A79EC.
You'll get another menu that comes up with some NPCs listed. Right click anywhere in the group of NPCs, hit "select all", then hit OK twice. If it worked correctly, you'll see a message at the bottom of the right pane of the app that says:
10 records out of 10 total records which reference FormID [000A79EC] have been updated to [030A79EC]
Close TES4Edit and let it save the changes.