Now, In Oblivion, and presumably Morrowind as well, pretty much everbody in the whole game (except town Guards) had names and Dialogue, it may seem silly but I liked the fact that you could talk to everyone, even if some of the dialogue was reused.
In Fallout 3 and New Vegas however, most of the NPCs in the game world were just sort of... pointless, they may as well have been moving pieces of terrain. Walking into Megaton for the first time and meeting Lucas Simms, I thought to myself, "At last, I am in a town with lots of people and therefore lots of dialogue and quests" only to discover that 'Megaton Settler' number 1 - 50 is only capable of saying maybe 3 or 4 lines of dialogue.
I hope this isn't the case in Skyrim. Anyone with me?