#1 Fear for Skyrim?

Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:32 am

My only fear is that, there making to big of a deal with being a hero.. and dragons.. and all that. I like staying a non-existent person and playing along with what the game has to offer.. I just don't want to much 'Pressure' or 'Focus' on Dragons/Being a hero.
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:51 am

My biggest fear is people expecting too much out of skyrim, than being let down and crying about it on the forums. And carrots might be too heavy.
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:06 am

If you can't block with a 1h weapon, I will not buy the game, and I will tell everybody I know not to buy the game.

It would be utter crap to not be able to block. I understand much less effective blocking, faster weapon breakage, random weapon breakage, active blocking, or just the inability to block missile attacks, but I absolutely will never understand no blocking ability.

http://elderscrolls.com/skyrim/media/screenshots/draugr-swarm/ SHOULD ALLEVIATE YOUR FEARS
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:56 am

But generally speaking I am an optimist. Pretty much everything I've seen about Skyrim looks terrific to me. And while I sympathize with those who feel passionately enough about this series to hold it to the highest standards, some seem to behave as if Bethesda is on a personal quest (complete with map markers) to destroy their lives. They're just artists and engineers trying to make a living making games. That's all.

You forgot to mention those who consider Bethesda God and themselves Bethesda's equivalent of the Pope, so that everything they say about TES is considered ex cathedra-uttered, infallible, holy writ.
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:26 pm

No, I'm saying you do not know the sum total of what they have added/taken away because YOU HAVE NOT PLAYED THE GAME. If they have added substantially more than they have taken away, or made up for what they have taken away with something else that does the job better, or has rendered the previous thing redundant or obsolete than the act of removing it cannot be seen as a negative. If they haven't done this than it cannot be seen as a positive. What I am saying is that WE DO NOT KNOW because we do not have the completed product in our possession. Very simple.

Nobody is saying "Skyrim svcks!"
This thread is about fears.

It's about what people don't want in the game. Yeah, we haven't played it yet. But guess what? We're afraid that when we do, it'll have features we dislike.
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:52 am

http://elderscrolls.com/skyrim/media/screenshots/draugr-swarm/ SHOULD ALLEVIATE YOUR FEARS

could just be a silly pose. I wish devs would be clearer about little things like this.

Elaborating on whether or not you can block with a one handed weapon or with dual wield would not ruin the story or take the joy out of discovering new spells/abilities.
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Bad News Rogers
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:48 pm

I was "proving" his opinions wrong because he literally called them facts. He even labeled them as facts.

You didn't prove my opinions wrong at all - you just disagreed with my use of the word 'fact'.

I stick by what I said though. There ARE a lot of negatives to be taken away from the Q&A, as evidenced by peoples responses when it was released. There ARE a lot of people who don't know what's good the series. And core features of the series HAVE been streamlined or removed. You can call all of this my opinion, but I believe it to be fact... and nothing you've said has proven me wrong or made me think otherwise.
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:53 am

Fact 1- A depressing number of people do not know the difference between a fact and an opinion.Fact 2- Message boards are predominantly filled with the types of people mentioned in Fact 1.

You mean like yourself? Fact 1 is an opinion, not a fact. A fact would be "A large number of the people on this forum appear not to know the difference between fact and opinion." Other than that, I agree with you.

On another note, one of my biggest fears is that so many people will get disgruntled over the changes being made that they will not play it simply on the virtue of "It's not Oblivion". To these people, you're right, it's not. But that's kind of the point. As an avid RPG player myself (as well as having completed Oblivion with about 20 different characters), I welcome the changes that Skyrim makes. The lack of a class system is a relatively simple way to make each and every character unique on each and every play through. The dual wielding is a great way to encourage a player to sacrifice something (realistically) to get something else. It's telling you that, sure! You can use this second sword, or spell, or whatever, just realize you can't block as well, or attack as well, or something else. The point is is that it adds a balance to the game that I don't feel that Oblivion had. And complaining about it is only going to bring down your expectations, and when you [the complainers] are off in the corner moping about how it could have been, those that actually enjoy the game for the independant entry to the series can praise it all they want. Because it's Bethesda; you know it's gonna be a great game, no matter what people complain about.
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:51 am

could just be a silly pose. I wish devs would be clearer about little things like this.

Elaborating on whether or not you can block with a one handed weapon or with dual wield would not ruin the story or take the joy out of discovering new spells/abilities.
that is true Bethesda could do a better job on the confirmation. although the only weapon setup that they confirmed you couldn't block with is spell and one handed weapon
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:11 am

My fear is that it will take things from fallout.

[]I hope they dont have quest markers with zero direction dialogue, making markers a necessity In Oblivion before Fallout
[]hope they dont have points of interest on compass In Oblivion before Fallout
[]hope they dont show enemies on compass Fallout actually had in game, RPG, reasons for this (Character had an explicit Perception stat for "seeing" things himself)
[]hope the quests arent designed around the idea that everyone will be using fast travel Oblivion again. Also, with the inclusion of an "in-game" fast travel option (carriage), people who don't want to "break immersion" can participate in quests that are designed around lots of travel.
[]hope there is actually content(caves/dungeons/hideouts/whatever) in between major areas that is hard to find so there is actually something to make you want to walk/ride everywhere as opposed to just zipping around with fast travel. Actually, Fallout 3 had those - there were plenty of non-POI, unmarked locations. Oblivion, not so much.

Not disagreeing that these things have existed in Beth games. Just taking issue with characterizing them (except enemies on compass) as "Things from Fallout". :shrug:
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:50 am

My only fear (though I really doubt this will happen) is that Bethesda will dumb down Skyrim in terms of depth in the story and character progression. I like the changes with leveling and what not, but i don't want it to become TOO simple of a game I guess. It's why I enjoyed and still enjoy Morrowind, there is a mysteriousness to that entire game for me that hasn't gone away since I first played it and I love it. Finding many places and items that are new STILL. I hope Skyrim will equal or even exceed with the feeling of discovery.
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:17 am

That dragons become the new oblivion gates...
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:35 pm

Fallout actually had in game, RPG, reasons for this (Character had an explicit Perception stat for "seeing" things himself)

That's true. However, the implementation left a lot (!!) to hope for (in both new Fallouts), imo.
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:29 am

That dragons become the new oblivion gates...

That's a popular one. Oblivion gates were such a chore.
After a while I wouldn't even bother and just cast invisibility and run up to the orb ignoring everything on the way.
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:42 pm

My biggest fear is that we'll have to install Steam to play it (in which case I'll pass and play/mod something else).

Steam is free, very small, and only adds features and benefits...why does it matter so much to you?
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:24 am

I do wish the developers would come and laugh at/mock the doomsayers more often though. That would be priceless. :laugh:

Actually, before Oblivion they used to occasionally do just that. They were always trying to reassure the nervous fans that the game wasn't being dumbed down and would live up to all their hype.

The Doomsayers, for the most part, ended up being right about their fears. They touted their 'Radiant AI' for Oblivion too, and it really turned out to be kind of a joke. I was one of the people then expecting Bethesda to deliver yet another stellar game after each game of theirs I played improved upon the ones before. Oblivion failed for me. Was Oblivion a great game? Absolutely... IF you had never played TES game before it. Dragon Age 2 is a great game too... IF you had never played Origins.

When a game fails to deliver an improved game over its previous titles in the series it is going to have detractors. Plain and simple.

I for one am hoping beyond hope that Oblivion was just an anomaly and that Bethesda has learned that actual gameplay and story is far more important than flashy graphics and button mashing. Skyrim might very well be the last TES game I buy if it turns out to be another Oblivion.
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Kaley X
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:06 am

You mean like yourself? Fact 1 is an opinion, not a fact. A fact would be "A large number of the people on this forum appear not to know the difference between fact and opinion." Other than that, I agree with you.

"Large number", "depressing number" :facepalm: Same freakin thing.
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:55 pm

My only fear is that Skyrim will turn out as buggy as any other new release nowadays.
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Adrian Powers
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