Honest hearts glitching

Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:53 pm

Im having trouble playin the new dlc honest hearts on Xbox 360. i get the radio broadcast that directs you to the northern passage. ive gone there and talked to Jed Masterson in the cave. he tell you may only carry a certain amount of goods with a few side options (also you can't have a companion). However when i tell my companions to leave and it allows me to start. The screens says fallout new vegas honest hearts with dialog were it always freezes after he says "listen to wat jed has to say". wat is up is there a patch comin out soon or wat. iv tried with other char. with no companions and still the same thing. also some of my saves will not load after i talked to jed????? wats good bethesda
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Doniesha World
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:10 pm

Ive read in other posts that an update should be coming out before the owb dlc. But that dlc is supposedly comin out today and i am yet to recieve an updated that fixes my problems with the HH dlc. come on now can some give me some hopeful news i really enjoy this game just not all the glitches.
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Andrea P
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