Any tips for a replay?

Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:33 pm

I while ago, I brought Fallout NV, hoping to enjoy the Mojave Wasteland. Unfortunately, I was never really able to enjoy it. I beat the game along with a handful of side-quests.

After seeing the DLC trailer, I thought maybe I'd give NV another chance, so I'm hoping you guys could give me some tips to enjoy the game a little more.

*(Spoilers)* On my first playthrough, I played a standard gun character with hardcoe mode on, but it wasn't so fun, since I started finding melee weapons to be a little more useful later in the game. I helped Mr. House finish take over the Hoover Dam. I stared out helping out the NCR, but i had to stop helping them halfway through. *(Spoilers)*

Anyways, I was hoping you guys could give some tips to make the game a little more enjoyable on my second playthrough? Any types of character builds that would be fun? As I already mentioned, I finished the main quest helping one faction. how may other factions can i help? I'm assuming the NCR and Legion. Any other factions that would be enjoyable to play with?

Also, I'm thinking of using the Wild Wasteland Perk. What does that do exactly? Don't spoil too much.
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:55 am

I while ago, I brought Fallout NV, hoping to enjoy the Mojave Wasteland. Unfortunately, I was never really able to enjoy it. I beat the game along with a handful of side-quests.

After seeing the DLC trailer, I thought maybe I'd give NV another chance, so I'm hoping you guys could give me some tips to enjoy the game a little more.

*(Spoilers)* On my first playthrough, I played a standard gun character with hardcoe mode on, but it wasn't so fun, since I started finding melee weapons to be a little more useful later in the game. I helped Mr. House finish take over the Hoover Dam. I stared out helping out the NCR, but i had to stop helping them halfway through. *(Spoilers)*

Anyways, I was hoping you guys could give some tips to make the game a little more enjoyable on my second playthrough? Any types of character builds that would be fun? As I already mentioned, I finished the main quest helping one faction. how may other factions can i help? I'm assuming the NCR and Legion. Any other factions that would be enjoyable to play with?

Also, I'm thinking of using the Wild Wasteland Perk. What does that do exactly? Don't spoil too much.

What about the game made it no fun? Too easy? Didn't like the quests? Don't like desert? If you didn't have any fun as a guns character, the game really doesn't play all that differently while specializing in other weapons, you just have to use different ammo . If you didn't enjoy the game after a full playthrough with standard weapons, I don't know what's wrong with you what would change it to magically make it fun for you. Although if you hardly played any side quests and just burned straight through the main quest to the ending, I can see how you might think it is a very short game... :wink_smile:

If you did that, you missed about 75% of the game and it's locations and quests.
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:21 pm

I guess I phrased the OP oddly. I meant that playing with standard guns was a little boring, not that it ruined the game for me. Maybe it was just because I stopped leveling up the guns after about 55 and focused on skill skills like Speech and computers, since those seemed to be more helpful.

Also, I didn't just go right through the main quest, I did do the side quests whenever I could.(I know how to play a Bethesda game :P)

So, I guess the one thing I didn't really enjoy was how I had to level up skills like terminals, speech, since it felt like if I didn't, I was missing out on unique parts of the game; and I wasn't leveling up other areas like guns.
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Darlene DIllow
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:03 pm

Well I feel that missing out on certain things adds to the replay value.

You could play a diplomat character with very little combat prowess, and instead go for speech, barter, science, ect.

Really it all depends, I would recomend that you choose a way you want to play (create a persona) and stick with it.

You could be a badass assasin for the NCR, and max your various combat skills.

You could go full on mele and side with Ceasar's Legion.

Or you could do some sort of hybrid and side with House or Yesman.
(Or really any combination of those suggestions).

The point of this game (to me anyways) is to RP a character, make the choices you think that character would make, then see how things turn out in the ending slides.

Or you could go ape[censored] and just [censored] and pillage the countryside.

It's entirely up to you.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:40 pm

Just for a sense of scale, how many factions can I actually join and compete with them? I know there is NCR, Legion, and Mr. House; but what other factions could I finsh the game with?

Maybe I'll make a unique character for each faction.
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Ria dell
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:16 pm

Just for a sense of scale, how many factions can I actually join and compete with them? I know there is NCR, Legion, and Mr. House; but what other factions could I finsh the game with?

Maybe I'll make a unique character for each faction.

There is also the 'Yes Man' faction, which is basically a 'You' faction. Ending with you in control. As for what you said about leveling up skills, and feeling like you had to go light on weapons skills or risk missing out on speech and computer terminal stuff- it is quite possible to max out a weapons skill (and sneak, which I always max up at same speed as my weapons skill), and have a good level of those others as well. You won't do it by level 15, but by the time you get to where you actually need 70+ in speech or science or whatever, you certainly can have both. I personally prefer lockpicking over terminal hacking myself, your mileage may vary. Once you've gleaned all of the story bits and easter egg notes out of the terminals in the game on one playthrough, they really have no other real benefit over lockpicking.

And as for the speech thing, while a high level of it does give you a lot of 'get past this problem or conflict for free' opportunities, you can certainly get past all those same things with very little speech skill, using other 'talents' :smile:

All in the approach. And as someone else already mentioned, there are a LOT of different ways to approach how you build your character and how you decide to play it. Hence the fun and replayability.
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Harry Leon
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:45 pm

Im not so sure, smokey. Hacking can have some pretty excellent results (turrets, sentry bots).

However it's really only effective if you can do the word puzzles to activate them.

There are 4 major factions that you can side with for the main quest.

There's also an ass load of others (great khans, BoS, boobmers, powder gangers, FotA, ect.)
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Lily Evans
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:11 pm

Im not so sure, smokey. Hacking can have some pretty excellent results (turrets, sentry bots).

However it's really only effective if you can do the word puzzles to activate them.

Yeah, I spose, but I usually end up having to work harder (and get shot up more often) trying to find and get to and use the shutoff terminals, than if I just blast the buggers to hell in the first place. And all but the very easy 4-5 character puzzles make me wear out my reload button. Always hated word puzzles.
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Bad News Rogers
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:30 pm

Bah, you can get it in one try every time by using the process of elimination.

Also, the benefit of turret contol terminals and sentry bots is so a relativly non-violent character can get through things without being killed 9000 times.
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:54 pm

Bah, you can get it in one try every time by using the process of elimination.

Also, the benefit of turret contol terminals and sentry bots is so a relativly non-violent character can get through things without being killed 9000 times.

Yes, of course, on the non-violent char thing. As for the process of elimination, some people just aren't good at doing that crap in their head- I'd have to write each guessed word down and spend time manually dikeing around to figure them out. I'd rather shoot the bastidges with my big guns ;-)
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:40 am

I smell what you're stepping in. Im the same way most times.

But all you have to do is compare the two words, look at how many letters they have in common, and how many the computer says are matches.
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