» Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:04 pm
Wolves are also pack hunters. They seldom hunt alone.
I was testing a new speed for the unicorn yesterday in order to correct the decreased speed due to the scaling issue (my races are 0.5 height and weight and speed drops enormously with half scale). Putting it at 60 made him move as he should, but we wound up running into a battle royale a short ways from an Oblivion gate. Two black bears, a brown bear, a few wolves, and some imps and bats, plus a troll. I could not help directly, of course, since he is so skittish. He actually did get knocked out by the troll (I have him set to essential, though). Still, I had to heal him a lot to allow him to finish the entire battle, not including the various creatures who killed each other.
Afterwards, the same thing happened a short ways down the road, but this time with Goblins, Spiders, and more wolves and imps. Sheesh!