How to (re)activate physics on dead NPC's?

Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:22 pm

Hi, helpfull modders and experts,

Could realy use some help here.....

I use GOTY steam, updated and patched allright.
BAB, and SM Plugin Refurbished 1.21 are also installed.

Until here everything is normal, as i moved bodies around to check them out.

Then i installed:
RAEVWD, All Natural 1.3.0, Patch 1.3.1, Unique Landscapes 1.6.6, Natural Environments, RD Natural Weather-Max Teal Patch, AWLS, Real Night Sky, Harvest Flora 3.0.1, nGCD and progress.

Not assuming something would happen to the physics of dead NPC's, i only restarted and saved after installing each and every mod, so i did not notice it until i started playing with the new installed content.. :
For a moment there is physical contact, just after killing a maurader or crook, but only touching, not grabbing or moving.
This vanishes after a few seconds....
(Items, weapons, animals and clothes respond normal..)

One of these could have caused it, because before installing these, collision detection was ok.
The strange thing. however is, when i had these installed in an earlier setup, this behaviour did not occur..

I tried to find the console command for this, but it was not listed. (

Afterwards i installed 'Ragdolls' : Realistic Physics and Force Package, to try to overide settings, but there was no mention of human NPC's in the config options.

There must be a controloption somewhere to set collision detection and grabbing/lifting dead NPC's, which probably has been overwritten or something.

Does anyone know where to find this file, and the args to change it back?

Or another simple way to change back to normal behaviour, without having to un/re-installing everything?
(which would cost me only a day, but anyway...)

Thanks for a helpfull answer in advance... ;-)


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Joe Alvarado
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