Definetly Character interactions, and i put "great" for my hopes for it based on the marriage and jobs systems we've seen introduced, and the more dynamic gameplay'
The only other game where i felt this kind of interaction was daggerfall, i felt in morrowind no one really gave a crap and in oblivion everyone expected from the start for you to be this big hero
OK, I'm gonna play Daggerfall again, to see what you mean.

adventuring. the feeling of going on an adventure. finding new places with new people and new creatures and taking all that in and probably killing at least most of them.
Yes, adventuring is great, and I loved it in Morrowind.
I could have chose about 3-4 of those options as what I love about TES games. The lore and the storyline though are ultimately what keep me engaged. I love when I as the player start to realize the broader imlications of the events going on in the world. How well Skyrim delivers on this is yet to be seen. The main quest surely will have broad implications for the world, but are they going to be told to you directly like some child storybook, or will I have to slowly understand what is happening. The 'LOST' TV show is a great example. It was the thrill of trying to figure out the possible who, what, and why of the situation they were in without actually being told. Daggerfall had that feel, and Morrowind had that feel. Oblivion... not so much. It was all 'in-your-face' this is what is happening. Hopefully Skyrim will deliver more of the hidden background story without having to actually deliver it to the character so directly.
I really hope that we would have great story behind the events of the game, especially the main quest, and the lore was great in previous games, but I hope it would have more effect on the events of the game, like what we saw in Morrowind's main quest, as we needed to learn quite a bit of it to proceed.
What impressed me the most with TES1 and TES2 compared to other games back then was how "alive" the game world felt. I actually think Morrowind was a step backwards in that regard, the NPCs just stand at the same spot 24/7 doing nothing, while in Daggerfall the shops at least opened and closed and so on. I want to be mighty impressed about how "alive" the Skyrim game world is. And judging from the previews so far, Betheda certainly seem to be heading in the right direction for that! So I'm pleased ^_^
I'm sure Skyrim will have the most alive world in the history of TES games.

Hm I would need to combine some options: Freedom in discovering the world. "Adventuring and discovering interesting new places." in a linear manner wouldn't be too great for me.
Later then "character interactions". Lively NPCs with own thoughts & surprising reactions towards the player (instead of giving you quests out of nothing, you know. A less player-centric world.)
I think your name is well chosen.
be what you want to be should actually lead into being someone and not champion of all , master of all, guilt chairman of all
Exactly how I feel about those matter, hopefully in Skyrim we can not become champion of all, master of all, and the like, and the guilds would have conflicting priorities, and, the perks make us unique enough to become master of only somethings, and not all.