Where are Obsidian's Honest Hearts?

Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:36 am

I had purchased the Honest Hearts piece of downloadable content yesterday around 3:07pm Eastern Standard Time. Booting up the next installment of events in my non-permanent residancy stay in New Vegas : it didn't work. Originally I had diagnosed my Playstation's failure as an E-DE manifestation from beyond his virtual grave. After forcefully discharging Eddie, it still didn't work. I would go to the nucleus of the Happy-Trails expedition and request the venture's beginning. I would watch a loacing screen pester around for a few seconds. Afterwards, a black screen with gurgling noises. I re-boot, turn the pip-boy light on, re-try, change clothes and inventory...More failure. I cleared the cache, uninstalled the DLC and the patches. Reinstalled the patch, then only Honest Hearts. Re-did the clothing again. Three hours or so, for nothing. I did try the DLC on my Caesar avatar and it did work. Why can't this toon play Honest Hearts? The first character?
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Mrs. Patton
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