I was tinkering around at the Fort with console commands and decided to spawn 3 Vet Rangers. They shoot everybody down in the Fort no problem. Hey, whatever, just random Legionaires, no problem right? So I spawned 3 Centurions to take on those 3 rangers. The Cents got sent home in body bags. I sent another 3 after them, they took down 1 Ranger but that was it. Another 3 centurions come out, and another ranger dies, but the last ranger wipes out the other centurions. I marked this Ranger for death, nobody just barges into the Fort and attacks without getting away, right? I mean, this Ranger only has a Ranger Sequoia, nothing can go wrong, right? Se was to be executed Arena style. I spawned a Centurion, he dies. Another Centurion, he dies. How about another Cent? Nope, dead. Another? Nope. How about one more? Nope. The next Centurion barely finishes off the pistol toting ranger.
It took 6 centurions to take out 1 Ranger, and the Ranger survived a total of 15 Centurions, plus the Legionaires. before being felled by the 16th Centurion. I felt bad for the Ranger, so I rezzed her and I let her walk around the Fort freely. She earned it, no?
I didn't realize Centurions were that horrible. I think I just lost a lot of respect for the Legion.