Old World Blues Mostly svcks....

Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:23 am

Ok just finished it. Here we go.

Landscape: Feels larger, but actually is tightly packed. Good if you're like me and hate walking the same recycled road for 5 minutes.

Enemies: Nice variety. No bullet sponges. Still challenging. But too much. Can't get the groceries without committing mass murder.

Weapons & Armor: Nothing extremely useful but still no pea shooters. Upgrading is fun. Screw power armor. Stealth suit Mk. II is cool.

Perks: The ones you get from leveling are rubbish. The quest perks are awesome.

Characters & Dialogue: Really good. Long and fun dialogue. Interesting characters.

Humor: My lungs are hurting.

Story: Short but good. Nice little twist at the end. Still, there was potential for more I believe.

Ulysses: Still not much info. I was expecting something more.

Overall: Better than Honest Hearts and almost as good as Dead Money. I'm still holding Dead Money superior because of the atmosphere and depth of characters.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:44 am

You don't like Muggy?

Everyone likes Muggy.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:47 am

You don't like Muggy?

Everyone likes Muggy.

I hate Muggy, I can't wait to get his voice module so I can finally kill the little vermin.
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:29 am

I hate Muggy, I can't wait to get his voice module so I can finally kill the little vermin.

Have Trogdor Toaster burninate it :whisper:
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:01 am

I hate Muggy, I can't wait to get his voice module so I can finally kill the little vermin.

Too bad for you, Muggy can't take damage.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:49 pm

Personally I HATED dead money. i liked honest hearts, and i also love this dlc.
just want to let you know you can delete the dlc and never touch it. for the most part i see people like it. :fallout:

This is what I really like about Avellone. He wrote DM and did OWB as far as I understand. I loved DM, and OWB is growing on me. He writes how he wants to, and not so everyone will kind of like it. Some people seem to hate what he does, but for those that get it, they are in love with it. He isn t coming across as a slave to the masses to me. He writes this stuff as an individual, and I respect the guy for that. He takes risks that most will not. The [censored] feet is a hit or miss thing. A lot of the beginning talk is all hit or miss. I was not in love with all of the beginning talking, but some of it was funny.

Plus OWB has been brutal so far for me, and I like that as well. Both of his dlcs have caused me to die multiple tim
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:07 am

Too bad for you, Muggy can't take damage.

http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1211497-anyone-else-gonna-kill-muggy/page__p__18145217#entry18145217 <_<
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:41 pm

I enjoyed it, took me 7hrs to explore every location, do every quest and find all special weaps/armours

I really regret not taking medium armour to start used quite a bit of stimpacks early on sighz
The legendary Bloatfly... killed me in 2 shots >.>
I didnt use any of the owb level perks at all, didnt seem very useful.
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KU Fint
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:34 pm

I didnt use any of the owb level perks at all, didnt seem very useful.

Them's Good Eating makes Stimpacks uselss IMO.
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:45 am

I felt bad for Dr. 8, I was like "You can't fix his voice?" I was atleast expecting Cave Johnson as his voice actor. Just kidding, I'd give the whole addon a 10 - the only dislike I have is how it took me 10 minutes to kill 10 robo scorpions.
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jadie kell
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:24 pm

I like OWB and DM, because of the depth of the story and characters, but i dont see how you as an lvl 15 character can make it through OWB. I Walked in there lvl 33 with 100 skill in guns, and The Ranger Combat Armor, and still had problems killing those damn many Robo scorpions. But it was a lot of fun :D
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brandon frier
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:25 pm

I would wear it, but you see I have a thing against Tron suits.

wow really?...you keep that up, yet when people finally look at it closely, it looks nothing, or resembles anything of being Tron-reference, and makes you more of a portrait of a Troll, rather then a hardcoe gamer, who knows his facts, reference, and details..to me, the suit (which in actuality, this suit can be actually a stealth suit :/) actually reminds me of Dead Space 1, with the soldier suit all the way, the back literally looks like their RIGs, yet dumbed down, and parts of the chassis looks similar, yet again just fully dumbed down, and finally the same color output..their is absolutely nothing "Tron-like" on this suit at all :/ where the hell are you getting your thoughts?..it doesnt glow, it doesnt have streaky outlines, but rather basic ones, you dont have a helmet, that glows as well, and the colors are totally off-based (blue on white? its more white on black) obviously, you really need to stop, but thats just my opinion.

On-topic?: one of the funniest, greatest DLC on the Fallout series I ever played (probably better then Point Lookout) tough, ballsy, dark humor, quirky, and lovely ideas put on the paper...so effing what the weaponry 'isnt OP or powerful" its damn freaking creative if you ask me :/ so far, tell me any game company who makes a gun that barks and 'sniffs' and has a brain of a dog? no? how about a proton axe thats inversal? nope? what about a lovely sonic emitter that at the peak of its game, can send enemies flying with a dogs 'bark'?....it doesnt have to be powerful to have fun dude, LIGHTEN UP.
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