Ive Had New Vegas Since A Week Of It's Release And I Havent Bought Any Downloadable Content Yet. So I am Asking You Guys Which Out Of The Three Released So Far Are Worth The Price? And Yes I Understand That Old World Blues Just Came Out Yesterday But Im Pretty Sure That There Are A Few Who Beaten It And If Not Are Pretty Close To It
Here's some qualities of each:
Dead Money - A puzzle-like challenge that forces you to look before you leap and utilize every resource available. Tons of fun for those who enjoy a challenge and attempt not to die, incredibly frustrating for those who want mindless shooting and prefer to advance via trial-and-error. Best storyline so far, with a heist story that touches into many different other stories, including the story of the Mojave Brotherhood of Steel, the creation of the casino, Ulysses and how you got there to begin with. Overall theme is survival-horror.
At it's best, it's thrilling and draws you into the plot.
At it's worst, it's [censored] irritating.
Honest Hearts - A more exploration-based area that offers a lot for a survival-skilled character, as well as (perhaps) the best loot of the DLCs. Unlike Dead Money, this one requires little thought (there's even very little dialog debating philosophical views and such), but it can still be a challenge because, unfortunately, the area has a bad habit of spawning dangerous creatures RIGHT behind you. (literally) This can be somewhat counter-productive to the exploration factor if you don't like dying, but if you don't mind deaths then it shouldn't be a problem. The main story is pretty meh but the main side-story is pretty good. Probably the best scenery of the three. Overall theme is religion.
At it's best, it's immersive via it's scenery and simplistic story.
At it's worst, it leaves you unsatisfied, wishing for more story, more discussion/debate of the choices to be made, or more content.
Old World Blues - Again, exploration-based. The main questline is actually the shortest of the three, but Old World Blues makes up for this by heavily insisting that you go out and explore a bit. Exploration here feels more fulfilling than Honest Hearts because there's loot EVERYWHERE to be discovered. This one definitely has the best voice acting of the three as well as the most interesting characters. The enemies can be a tad annoying, since you've got a fight on your hand every 5 seconds and they're minor bullet sponges (AKA not exactly threatening, but take time and resources to kill). The overall tone is humorous.
At it's best, it's a nice, humorous break from the politics of the Mojave with plenty of colorful sights and characters.
At it's worst, it's lacking in story or direction and just bothers you with it's endless bullet sponges.
Personally? I still like Dead Money the best and Honest Hearts is my least favorite.