X-Box Live screw up...

Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:51 am

Under Game Marketplace, they advertise 'New for Fallout: New Vegas: Only you can save the Think Tank', with a green eyeball pic for OWB.

When you enter it tho, all they have (in order) are Honest Hearts, 'How to play your cards', NV on demand, a NV preview, a preview for DM, and a snow globe guide. They either forgot to include the new dlc for download, or there's a bug here in Washington State preventing it from showing up inside the ad for it, with the rest of the Fallout downloads. If Microsoft is going to give it front-page announcement, they should probably give us access to it inside said advertisemant.

i had to find it by digging through Game Marketplace - Explore New Games - Add Ons and Extras - buried in a sea of other stuff new and old, not even in alphabetical order.

Just thought i'd let you know.
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:00 am

Thanks for the heads up. Myself and the OP of an earlier topic caled "New DLC not on XBL?" already went over this though. But hey aslong as people figure it out correctly by reading this or the other.

Also the lack of actually adding a direct download in the pane seems to be spread across all XBL regions.
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N Only WhiTe girl
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:14 am

Thanks for the heads up. Myself and the OP of an earlier topic caled "New DLC not on XBL?" already went over this though. But hey aslong as people figure it out correctly by reading this or the other.

Also the lack of actually adding a direct download in the pane seems to be spread across all XBL regions.

Whoops. Sorry... :blush2:
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:46 pm

Thanks for the info, 3 hours till i finish work, cant wait, a long night ahead.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:12 am

Whoops. Sorry... :blush2:

Nah it's alright. Just would of saved you the trouble of typing so much is all.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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