Such a simple thing... impossible?

Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:28 pm

Hi. I hate to come here just to ask a question like this, but I have searched and Googled and read and experimented until I'm ready to claw my own eyes out, and it has all been fruitless. All I'm trying to find a way to do is simply get an NPC's speechcraft skill in script. That's it. I would have expected it to be a simple command. GetNPCSpeechcraft. ref.GetSpeechcraft. Something. Seems like such a simple, vital thing to be able to get a value for NPC skills but I can find nothing anywhere that so much as even discusses the remote possibility of something even far removed from this existing even in abstract.

If anyone could give me a point in the right direction, I'd love them for it. Something this vital and basic shouldn't be this hard to find a command for.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:03 pm
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Del Arte
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:30 pm

Yes! Thank you. I swear, I browsed the script and OBSE commands for two hours straight and was none the wiser. That stats and skills for NPCs are all under one command makes sense too! Coffee time! I have some scripting to do! Got to get brushed up and ready before November :)
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