How do you guys re connect to your character after a long br

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:15 am

What I mean is I've got this character lvl 20, efficient leveled so most attributes are nearly maxed and some skills like marksman in the 90's and master at alchemy with a shed load of stashed poisons, 90 hours in, done mages guild and kotn. Basically a really good character I devoted a lot of time and effort making.
But I've had a long break, and now I just feel lost with my character and it doesn't feel like my character anymore, the solution is to make another character but that means another 80-90 hour character goes to waste.

This feeling happened to anyone else?
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P PoLlo
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:56 pm

:slap: That is for abandoning your poor character for so long! They are probably just angry with you - and rightfully so. Patience, communication and time to rebuild trust is what's required here. Start with simple things like simply enjoying a road trip from one city to another. Stop at an inn. Give them time to indulge a good meal and favorite beverage. Visit old friends in the guilds and see what has changed. Wtih time and patience, they may be willing to adventure with you again. You didn't mention if your character be man or woman; if woman, double the time estimates.

Okay, my tone is joking of course, but my advice is serious. Good luck! :foodndrink:
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:25 pm

It sounds like your problem is about you not your character; time invested..bragging rights...etc. Do you go to a movie to hear about yourself? With the right character, any activity and any level can be totally immersive.

With over 300 hours, I stopped playing Angel for a while. When I came back I found I couldn't reconnect so I rerolled her. During that 'off' time she grew up and the new Angel is even more fascinating than the child original. She certainly is approaching everything in a fresh new way. So far she has not joined a single guild or accepted any commissions to help out someone in distress. She does her own little thing, blissfully ignorant of her hero potential.

EDIT: I probably should explain for those that read she had joined the Mages guild. My game became corrupted and I had to reload. Frame rate dropped to slideshow speed. This time I didn't install mods so I had to go back to my first save game. 32 hours lost but it was all good.
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:28 am

I say remake your character and start over. The growing up part is always the most fun. Trust me, those 80-90 hours did not go to waste.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:47 pm

I have had exactly that feeling on several characters.

In fact I'm having it right now. I had an Orc melee type character I was really liking. Then I got the urge for Fallout 3 for a while, particularly so I could listen to the music from the "There's more where that came from mod" which adds a lot of great 40s and 50s songs. Now I want to get back to that Orc but I feel like I've just lost touch.

So either I'm going to "force" myself to focus on him for awhile, or maybe just start a new character.

But you are not alone in that feeling.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:11 pm

Not really. :shrug:
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:40 am

Well, I had a nice character who I had done mages guild, arena, DB, SI, KoTN stuff with before I got the red ring. At different times, I may have deleted the save files, but I really didn't understand the attribute system (rightfully so :( ). Anyway, I wouldn't say give up on that character. Look at that characters attributes and items and accomplishments. Determine why you want to play Oblivion and what you find enjoyable. If that character can give you those things, go with it. If it can't, start another one.
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:37 am

If the best thing about your character is the stats, that could be the problem. It’s hard to connect to a bunch of numbers. Here’s how I reconnected with two characters.

My first character completed all of the big quest lines, and then I thought we were done. After a time I decided to let her back out to play, because I really like her. I realized that we got bored because everything was too easy and I felt like we needed goals. I took her shopping for a new hood, put away all of the really overpowered gear to make things harder again, and now we’re back having fun just living in Cyrodiil. So I guess I’m saying if you need a goal, you can make one up. Save a certain amount of gold, find 1,000 calipers, whatever. Or just wander around and see what tries to kill you, there doesn’t have to be a point.

With the second character that I nearly saved over because we didn’t get along, I took her to the Shivering Isles. We are having a great time there. Cyrodiil was too plain for her. So another thing would be go somewhere new, even if it’s just the place in Cyrodiil where you have spent the least time.

Good luck! :smile:
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chloe hampson
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:05 pm

I didn't think I'd be the only one, I have played 2-3 hours and I am "getting used" to him again but the other thing is I can't remember anything he's done besides the completed quests, as in I can't remember what aayleid ruins I've explored, ruins, locations or people I might be sympathetic with. That's my main problem, the character is a killing machine I get along with that fine it's everything else.

I know I should just re roll and im trying really hard not to as i really want too but it would be the third time now and i really want to finish the game before skyrim arrives, that is my dilemma ..
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Ice Fire
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:39 pm

Maybe just look at your game as being a fresh experience with an experienced character. If you don’t remember places, then they’re as good as new.
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emily grieve
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:28 am

Well, I've posted this on the forums several times, but I prefer the development process, so I am constantly restarting characters once they are developed. I just did it again, in fact. I anolyze the game and in order to do that I have to test different builds, different approaches, etc.

I usually spend about 100-200 hours per character play, then start over. anolysis is time consuming, but that's how I play games or enjoy other media. That's also why I can pick out various things that other people don't notice. I wouldn't notice, either, except that I notice on the 10th or more play/watching/reading.
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