If the best thing about your character is the stats, that could be the problem. It’s hard to connect to a bunch of numbers. Here’s how I reconnected with two characters.
My first character completed all of the big quest lines, and then I thought we were done. After a time I decided to let her back out to play, because I really like her. I realized that we got bored because everything was too easy and I felt like we needed goals. I took her shopping for a new hood, put away all of the really overpowered gear to make things harder again, and now we’re back having fun just living in Cyrodiil. So I guess I’m saying if you need a goal, you can make one up. Save a certain amount of gold, find 1,000 calipers, whatever. Or just wander around and see what tries to kill you, there doesn’t have to be a point.
With the second character that I nearly saved over because we didn’t get along, I took her to the Shivering Isles. We are having a great time there. Cyrodiil was too plain for her. So another thing would be go somewhere new, even if it’s just the place in Cyrodiil where you have spent the least time.
Good luck!