Restoring Oblivion after reformat?

Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:35 pm


I had installed oblivion on my non-OS partition and played it with mods and came somewhere mid game (i guess). However then i formated my OS partition and reinstaled the same OS (win XP). Doing so my Oblivion install is now dead, however the folder is intact with all my savegames, updates and mods.

Is there any way i can repair Oblivion with everything intact? Or how do i reinstall by keeping all my stuff and savegames operational?

Would it work if reinstal oblivion from scratch and then completely overwrite the new folder with the old one?

Thing is i can't remember what everything i added to Oblivion including what patches.

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Daniel Brown
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:58 pm

Would it work if reinstal oblivion from scratch and then completely overwrite the new folder with the old one?

Should work, I think I've even done this once.
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:56 pm

When you uninstall and reinstall Oblivion, save games and such are usually left untouched.

Though, save games are often the roots when it comes to problems.

If you're worried about them, you can go to documents -> My games -> Oblivion -> Save games and back them up or move them.(Windows 7).(Files may become corrupted. Just a warning)

On Windows XP you'll find it in the Oblivion folder if not in documents.
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Leonie Connor
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