I'm playing through Oblivion again using Frans and a minimal number of other mods. I'm using a bash patch for my levelled lists but I'm still getting the calliper problem. I did a reset as directed in Frans FAQ using the FranMenu script. After this things settled down for a couple of hours but I noticed they started creeping back into loot. However I noticed something very weird the callipers would change into the intended items if you left them in their containers and reopened the containers, sometimes only a few at a time. This is making me think that the calliper issue is a memory related one.
Would like to know if anyone in the know thinks this could be the case?
I've tried setting iPreloadSizeLimit=536870912 just on a hunch and haven't seen any suspicious morphing callipers since. However I have been having crashes since I raise the limit when exiting buildings where there'd be an autosave. Not sure if it is related. What is the maximum I should set iPreloadSizeLimit on a 4Gb machine?
Is this flag having the effect I think it is or is it just coincidence that the callipers have departed?
(edit) Just to inform that when I was getting the calliper issue iPreloadSizeLimit=262144000 .