Fallout New Vegas and Large Address Aware

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:10 am

I just checked and the Fallout: New Vegas executable is not set to be "Large Address Aware."

For the following: you should not go ahead and make Fallout: New Vegas Large Address Aware yourself as it is possible, but not likely, that that would interfere with a future patch.

An overview of Large Address Aware and a tool to manage that settings with the programs you have on your system is: http://www.techpowerup.com/forums/showthread.php?t=112556.

Basically, the short points:

Normally a 32-bit program can use up to 2GB of memory. Fallout: New Vegas falls into this category.

If a program is made Large Address Aware, and the memory is available, then under a 64-bit system the program can use up to 4GB of memory with no additional changes at all. On a 32-bit system the program will still have a 2GB limit, but, if the user makes a further operating-system change then the program can use up to 3GB of memory in some circumstances.

Giving a 32-bit program the ability to use more than 2GB memory is a "bridge" setting between 32 and 64-bit systems today. It gives the major benefit, partially, of more memory to a program that only 64-bit native executables enjoy.

Depending on the number and type of additional modifications that can be added to Fallout: New Vegas having more than 2GB of memory accessible to the program may, may, reduce crashes.

Changing this setting for future executables would be a trivial task on the developers end.

What does anyone think?
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how solid
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:57 am

There are 4GB patches for win64 users. NVSE provides compatibility patches that work along with it. The only reason imo to use large address aware for falloutnv is if you are using expensive replacer mods.
I use it since I have alot of replacer mods installed. Otherwise I jsut crash after reaching the 2GB limit. Whether or not it works to reduce crashes depends on what is crashing the game in the first place.
Some people have reported it to help while others say it doesnt do anything. Which is the majority I dont know.
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Misty lt
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:46 am


I use that setting with "Fallout 3." I, like yourself, have something that needs it: lot's and lot's of high-resolution mods and then more. In my experience, also as with you, it really cuts down on the crashes.

I know the setting is trivial and the only argument against it being a default setting is if it would change things when it comes to support. That is not very likely. Two other examples of games that are set to be Large Address Aware, at least with their most current patch level, are Civilization V and Crysis 2.
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