Easy moving into the Sink

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:27 am

Wish I would have noticed this before I was almost done with my first move here, but You can def load at least 700 lbs of gear up and transport right to the SINK with all that gear in one shot! With the transporter gun.

I also just did this on a lvl 14 starting OWB, loaded up boone, ede and went to the drive in unloaded all they had and sent them on their merry way crawled over to the sat and bam Moved right in to sink with all my Stuff!, or Junk whatever you wanna call it.

Hope this helps some with a nice fast move, and like i said I only did it with around 700 lbs not sure if you can haul like 2000 or anything. :hubbahubba:
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Your Mum
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:02 pm

I carried my entire collection out of Lucky 38 in one trip, carrying about 2200 lbs, and the only limitation was that I have to leave Vegas and had to be in the Mojave, proper, before I could teleport.

See, this is how you know Bethesda listens to people here. We ask for our housing, the most requested being the lucky 38, to be accessible with a single load screen by using a balcony or something to skip the gates and elevators. We get almost that exact feature now, only now with a teleporter who's load time seems shorter than the one I go through just entering my Novac apartment, so I'm just singing they're praises, at least until about two weeks before Lonesone Road comes out and I start getting antsy.
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GEo LIme
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:33 pm

The DLC doesnt take your gear away so you might as well take it all with you when you go to the DLC in the first place,after you activate the satellite you appear just outside of the Sink.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:49 pm

The DLC doesnt take your gear away so you might as well take it all with you when you go to the DLC in the first place,after you activate the satellite you appear just outside of the Sink.

I thought about that afterwards, too, and mostly thought that for the initial trip, you'd have to visit the Mojave drive-in and carrying a couple hundred lbs of your collected weapons would be a lot of effort, when competeing the DLC will give you the option of teleporting right from almost anywhere in the mojave.
I'd say bring your essentials, the pulse gun and follower's lab coat, and save the move in for after you can zip back and forth instantly.
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:56 am

Yeah going through the 2nd time was nice having everything I own, too bad the Sink store is bugged and I cant make money off it.

FYI dont try and get chips back from the SInk store it doesnt pay Up correctly!!
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anna ley
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:23 pm

I thought about that afterwards, too, and mostly thought that for the initial trip, you'd have to visit the Mojave drive-in and carrying a couple hundred lbs of your collected weapons would be a lot of effort, when competeing the DLC will give you the option of teleporting right from almost anywhere in the mojave.
I'd say bring your essentials, the pulse gun and follower's lab coat, and save the move in for after you can zip back and forth instantly.

Not really a problem if you have the Long Haul perk. :thumbsup:
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:22 pm

Wish I would have noticed this before I was almost done with my first move here, but You can def load at least 700 lbs of gear up and transport right to the SINK with all that gear in one shot! With the transporter gun.

I also just did this on a lvl 14 starting OWB, loaded up boone, ede and went to the drive in unloaded all they had and sent them on their merry way crawled over to the sat and bam Moved right in to sink with all my Stuff!, or Junk whatever you wanna call it.

Hope this helps some with a nice fast move, and like i said I only did it with around 700 lbs not sure if you can haul like 2000 or anything. :hubbahubba:

There is no way I would be able to go to the Sink with what I have done to the Lucky 38 Penthouse (not Presidential Suite). I have added so many things to the Penthouse that make it much better than the Sink, but if I didn't do any of that then I would probably use the Sink as it is better than the Presidential Suite.
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Dj Matty P
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:02 pm

Not really a problem if you have the Long Haul perk. :thumbsup:

Kinda replaces the long haul perk for going back to your base :whistling:
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