Can someone explain how exactly the Courier's brain makes an

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:35 am

So clearly I have reached the point where you talk to your brain. Earlier in the DLC, it was said that your head cavity was filled with Tesla Coils that were transmitting thoughts remotely from your brain, which is the most plausible explanation for having your brain gone and still being able to walk around. So why exactly is my brain . . . talking to me? Not only is my brain having a voice/personality different from my character's strange, but how can I be using my brain to process bodily functions and think while having the damn thing in front of me speaking? What the hell? Am I missing something, or is there something later that explains everything. Or perhaps me liking this DLC is ruined because of a completely nonsensical situation such as this?
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:12 pm

So clearly I have reached the point where you talk to your brain. Earlier in the DLC, it was said that your head cavity was filled with Tesla Coils that were transmitting thoughts remotely from your brain, which is the most plausible explanation for having your brain gone and still being able to walk around. So why exactly is my brain . . . talking to me? Not only is my brain having a voice/personality different from my character's strange, but how can I be using my brain to process bodily functions and think while having the damn thing in front of me speaking? What the hell? Am I missing something, or is there something later that explains everything. Or perhaps me liking this DLC is ruined because of a completely nonsensical situation such as this?

well, i would imagine some brain functions would need to be local (in body) for them to work perhaps the body is not literally receiving all the information from the brain. the brain itself theoretically would be able to have a conversation if it was attached in one way or another to devices that can transmit and receive information to and from the brain respectively. when it comes to the different personality a few times in the DLC mention is given to how the bodies release of hormones changes the way the brain normally functions, the players brain even uses that as an argument as to why it thinks it should stay behind.
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:28 pm

well, i would imagine some brain functions would need to be local (in body) for them to work perhaps the body is not literally receiving all the information from the brain. the brain itself theoretically would be able to have a conversation if it was attached in one way or another to devices that can transmit and receive information to and from the brain respectively. when it comes to the different personality a few times in the DLC mention is given to how the bodies release of hormones changes the way the brain normally functions, the players brain even uses that as an argument as to why it thinks it should stay behind.

Regardless of whether that explanation is factually true, it is annoying that the DLC didn't explain it. I just finished. My verdict on this DLC is while it has good content it won't be replayed, as it doesn't fit my tastes and is, IMO, far too ridiculous for even Fallout.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:52 am

Regardless of whether that explanation is factually true, it is annoying that the DLC didn't explain it. I just finished. My verdict on this DLC is while it has good content it won't be replayed, as it doesn't fit my tastes and is, IMO, far too ridiculous for even Fallout.

Well, from what I can tell, the Courier's brain is special. While in conversation with it, I learned that what the brain wanted, and what the Courier's "hormones" wanted, were two completely different things. Which could mean that the Courier's brain doesn't have full control over the body's faculties and is instead pushed aside by the "hormones". As for talking... I have no idea, since it is the brain not inside the body, maybe it can use all of itself? Effectively "turning off" the limiters the body produces, thus allowing it to speak to you telepathically. Either that or it was it's thinking being transmitted to you like the THink Tank said in the beginning. :huh:
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:21 am

I think the idea is one of the Metaphysical things. IE you and your brain are two seperate beings working together as one. Sort of like a marriage between man and wife, both different, but working together.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:32 pm

Ever heard about Split Brain surgery? It's this thing that's used to treat some particularly extreme seizure patients, where they cut the brain in half to stop the seizure affecting both halves of the brain. The brain's two lobes are mirror images of each other, so you can actually function reasonably well with it.

The thing is, sometimes the separated lobe appears to take on a personality of its own, so you'll have your left arm (for example) doing things without you having any control over it.

Maybe the Courier's brain is like that?
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:53 am

The internal monologue of consciousness has become an external dialog.

How often do you get to really talk to yourself? Just sit back and try to enjoy it.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:05 am

Ever heard about Split Brain surgery? It's this thing that's used to treat some particularly extreme seizure patients, where they cut the brain in half to stop the seizure affecting both halves of the brain. The brain's two lobes are mirror images of each other, so you can actually function reasonably well with it.

The thing is, sometimes the separated lobe appears to take on a personality of its own, so you'll have your left arm (for example) doing things without you having any control over it.

Maybe the Courier's brain is like that?

Interesting theory, I suppose that could work.

The internal monologue of consciousness has become an external dialog.

How often do you get to really talk to yourself? Just sit back and try to enjoy it.

I did, and the conversation was very amusing, it's just that it is far too out there for even Fallout, to me. Regardless of whether it makes sense or not though, the whole brain thing and lots of the DLC as a whole is just not that much in my tastes. I prefer the good medley of realism and wackiness that Fallout usually has, and this DLC strips most of the realism and mostly just has wackiness. That is, evidently, what they set out to do in the first place, so in that regard, they did a good job.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:39 pm
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:08 am

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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:48 am

I kinda have to point out that plasma rifles, super mutants, and ghouls don't really make a lot of sense either, but as to the Courier's brain, I mostly assumed that despite what Dr. Klien says, the operation was a failure, with me getting a partial sectioning of the cerebral cortex. The Courier could then function, albeit with a heck of a owwie, with most of his brain. The brain matter scraqed, while not enough for a functioning host to support, does have the memories and typical responses for a player. Like the Toaster, your brain isn't aware, it's just a scanned and reinterpreted version of a os with personality added. It's not alive or sentient beyond the player any more than the light switch or Muggy.
The Courier was never lobotomized or had his brain removed, he had a partial drilling and a ace bandage, he'll be fine.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:52 am

So clearly I have reached the point where you talk to your brain. Earlier in the DLC, it was said that your head cavity was filled with Tesla Coils that were transmitting thoughts remotely from your brain, which is the most plausible explanation for having your brain gone and still being able to walk around. So why exactly is my brain . . . talking to me? Not only is my brain having a voice/personality different from my character's strange, but how can I be using my brain to process bodily functions and think while having the damn thing in front of me speaking? What the hell? Am I missing something, or is there something later that explains everything. Or perhaps me liking this DLC is ruined because of a completely nonsensical situation such as this?

It kind of ruined the whole thing for me,because being remotely controlling your body with the tesla coils made sense,and the think tanks and everything else were acceptable,except MY brain. :sadvaultboy:
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:22 pm

I kinda have to point out that plasma rifles, super mutants, and ghouls don't really make a lot of sense either, but as to the Courier's brain, I mostly assumed that despite what Dr. Klien says, the operation was a failure, with me getting a partial sectioning of the cerebral cortex. The Courier could then function, albeit with a heck of a owwie, with most of his brain. The brain matter scraqed, while not enough for a functioning host to support, does have the memories and typical responses for a player. Like the Toaster, your brain isn't aware, it's just a scanned and reinterpreted version of a os with personality added. It's not alive or sentient beyond the player any more than the light switch or Muggy.
The Courier was never lobotomized or had his brain removed, he had a partial drilling and a ace bandage, he'll be fine.

I must point out that I am aware that wacky scifi has been a part of Fallout from the beginning, but I just feel like this DLC took it way too far. It's always been contained to some extent in the past. But still, plasma rifles, super mutants, and ghouls all have an explanation while the Courier's Brain did not. That's what really frustrated me.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:37 am

I think that was the point........
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Deon Knight
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:16 am

I must point out that I am aware that wacky scifi has been a part of Fallout from the beginning, but I just feel like this DLC took it way too far. It's always been contained to some extent in the past. But still, plasma rifles, super mutants, and ghouls all have an explanation while the Courier's Brain did not. That's what really frustrated me.

Just think of it as a temporary and minor form of mental illness. Phantom pains are an odd phenomena that occurs when a person loses a body part, so it's not outrageous that someone could become mentally ill temporarily if they lose their mind.

For instance, let's accept the game's claim that it is possible to remove a person's brain and still allow it to remotely control the body via tesla coils in the skull. So technically, you're still "whole," just your brain is remotely controlling you.
However, from your (brain's) OWN perspective, it is indeed safer in a glass jar. You can stay there, live forever, be safe and still control your body, though we don't know if there's a specific distance where that stops working, nor does the Courier. There's that possibility that if the body dies, the brain lives on, so yes, remaining seems promising.
Still, the Courier is just as ignorant to the tech as you and I. He doesn't know how promising such a proposition is because he doesn't understand it. He just knows that brains are supposed to be in the body and that's how they naturally control the body. So from your perspective there, you need to get back in your body.
And that's where the conflict occurs: through the Courier being just as confused as we are, not knowing how it all works and what's the best choice. Thus, he begins arguing with himself and even percieves himself as hearing....himself.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:17 am

The brains does mention "synthetic thinking machine" when asking what'll happen if the brains are left in the tube, so maybe the Courier has a synthetic clone of her brains in her head?
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:21 am

i think you're taking the dlc a little too literal op. it's all based on 50's sci fi, especially the scientists, and a big part of that sci fi was incredible experiments including brain transplants. if you want to delve deeper and make a philosophical connection, that works too, but i chose to sit back and enjoy the campy humor of it all (which was all brilliant). if this one aspect ruins the dlc for you, well, there's nothing i can say that will change your mind. i loved every second of it, and will be hurriedly rushing back as soon as i can.
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