For people without brains, they sure are perceptive

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:10 am

Now, before I start my endless really devoted fan complaining that will earn me a few insults, I want to say that by no means did I dislike Old World Blues, I really liked it a lot. Lots of loot, extensive gameplay, lots of stuff to do and have fun with.

BUT, I felt that my sneak skill was all but useless in this dlc. Whenever I got within seeing distance of my enemies, my [Hidden] would immediately go to [Caution], and usually about a second after I realize that that happened, it went to [Danger] and I was being shot at, or mauled to death from an average of 3 sources. I mean, maybe sneak isn't the focus of this dlc, but still, lobotomites have no brains, and they were spotting me from a mile away, and shooting me, before I even got 10 feet from the Think Tank. Which leads me to another complaint. And I don't exaggerate this, EVERY time I walked outside of a building, there were at least 3 enemies waiting for me. And I don't mean the robo-scorpions. I don't mind them, because it makes SENSE that they were waiting for me to try and kill me after the specific events. But when walking out of something like Ulysses's point to be greated by 4 lobotomites, or 5 nightstalkers, or the time I walked out of a science lab to be greeted by 3 robobrains and 5 robo dogs, just got very frustrating when I was trying to just loot the place. And also when some of the enemies have a ridiculous amount of health.

If I'm the only one experiencing this, or if I'm the only one bothered by it, then please ignore my ramblings. This was my favorite of the 3 DLC so far, and has set up for me to be really curious about the events between Ulysses and Courier. It also makes me look back on Dead Money in a different light.
Loved the new weapons, loved the new quests, I'm thinking about transferring all my stuff in the Lucky 38 to the Sink, this DLC has numerous good things about it, but the things that bother me keep getting in the way of me enjoying the rest.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:37 pm

Well I enjoyed this dlc a lot, but I must agreed perception level of the lobotomites can be very frustrating taking into account that they have no brain.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:44 pm

i loved OWB but im pretty sure they dont have eyes also, or thats what it looks like when you remove their masks and goggles.
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:38 pm

The pack attacks really don't have much to do with sneaking as the enemies tended to clump up that way regardless. Also, gunshots would tend to draw more than that from further reaches so there were times when a single battle would result in upwards of six corpses before it was finally over.
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Olga Xx
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:29 pm

What I hated the most about lobotomites that whenever I killed two, two more would spawn in their place. So what looks to be 2 lobotomites with a saturnite fist, and the other an ax. Turns out another with a brush gun and the other a hunting revolver spawn right next to me.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:15 pm

A lobotomization severs the bridge between the right and left part of the brain (and what else the think tank wants to mess with) - it doesn't remove it. If anything, the lobotomites should be extremely passive, but Science! tends to produce, ah, unpredictable results :teehee:
The fact that the courier got his brain removed was due to an anomaly in the procedure.
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City Swagga
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:42 am

What I hated the most about lobotomites that whenever I killed two, two more would spawn in their place. So what looks to be 2 lobotomites with a saturnite fist, and the other an ax. Turns out another with a brush gun and the other a hunting revolver spawn right next to me.

Ive noticed the same thing with other enemies. The spawn rates seem to be out of whack, unless that's just the feel they were going for. Regardless, it frustrating to be looting lobotomites only to be bitten by a night-stalker that's magically appeared behind you.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:24 am

Yeah. Pretty much everything said here sums up my experiences in Big MT. It's not something terrible, but gets overwhelming. I just want to loot explore and the enemies keep getting in the way. :shakehead:

I'd suggest a patch to fix this, but I know the devs are all probably busy with a bunch of other things too.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:42 am

Night stalkers weren't a problem thanks to the Animal friend perk. That really helps out here, only for those nightstalkers.
It svcked for me to use energy weapons because the only skills i didn't focus on going into this DLC were energy weapons, sneak and survival. The rest of my skills are above 85 so the last few levels i focused on raising the skills i lacked in.

What I would have liked is Roxie to join you outside the research lab as a companion, possibly after you defeat Mobius. However, once he's defeated the threat of danger isn't really there anymore
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:15 am

Yeah. Roxie would have been fun to have tagging along. Or if you could choose from a pet Cyberdog, or Nightstalker, or Cazador to follow you around.
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