In my opinion it does feel like Obsidian sent their team B to do this one.
The sheer amount of re-skins, re-coloring and generally sloppy re-using of existing models and textures just hit a new low, we've seen the FO3 DLCs handle this beautifully, as well as in the FONV main story, but this was just a mess in my opinion.
At times it felt more like a player-made mod than actual DLC content.
The writing as well, it lacked the clever, sardonic humor that we are used to seeing.
This was more along the lines of an auto piloted, lowest common denominator kind of base line humor, phoned in filler content in other words.
I doubt it's an issue of taste or sense of humor, you can still sense quality and the lack thereof.
It may be the best DLC for FONV yet, but that isn't saying much