OWB with a less optimistic view

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:42 pm

I was surprised to see so much positive feedback from players here, so here are some things worth mentioning from the other end of the spectrum:

In my opinion it does feel like Obsidian sent their team B to do this one.
The sheer amount of re-skins, re-coloring and generally sloppy re-using of existing models and textures just hit a new low, we've seen the FO3 DLCs handle this beautifully, as well as in the FONV main story, but this was just a mess in my opinion.
At times it felt more like a player-made mod than actual DLC content.

The writing as well, it lacked the clever, sardonic humor that we are used to seeing.
This was more along the lines of an auto piloted, lowest common denominator kind of base line humor, phoned in filler content in other words.
I doubt it's an issue of taste or sense of humor, you can still sense quality and the lack thereof.

It may be the best DLC for FONV yet, but that isn't saying much :P it's a shame too since I really like the main game, and had/have high hopes for the DLCs. I'll definitely re-play FONV again (3rd time) but I don't see laboring through these DLCs again, and could just as well have done without.
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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:59 am

I was surprised to see so much positive feedback from players here, so here are some things worth mentioning from the other end of the spectrum:

In my opinion it does feel like Obsidian sent their team B to do this one.
The sheer amount of re-skins, re-coloring and generally sloppy re-using of existing models and textures just hit a new low, we've seen the FO3 DLCs handle this beautifully, as well as in the FONV main story, but this was just a mess in my opinion.
At times it felt more like a player-made mod than actual DLC content.

The writing as well, it lacked the clever, sardonic humor that we are used to seeing.
This was more along the lines of an auto piloted, lowest common denominator kind of base line humor, phoned in filler content in other words.
I doubt it's an issue of taste or sense of humor, you can still sense quality and the lack thereof.

It may be the best DLC for FONV yet, but that isn't saying much :P it's a shame too since I really like the main game, and had/have high hopes for the DLCs. I'll definitely re-play FONV again (3rd time) but I don't see laboring through these DLCs again, and could just as well have done without.

The worst DLC so far IMO.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:55 am

Best DLC so far IMO.
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Liv Staff
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:57 am

This is the best DLC so far, in my opinion. You are entitled to yours, but one is more right then the other. :violin:

As a side note, I never learned what the term "IMO" meant...
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:05 pm

Best DLC so far.
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:00 am

IMO= in my opinion......ot, OWB isn't my favorite dlc of the three out, but that's ok, I'm glad it's been so well received :)
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:12 pm

It's really good, just too damn laggy and buggy. Definitely worth my ten bucks though. I haven't even finished the MQ :bonk:
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:17 am

I like it but I liked Honest Hearts better.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:32 pm

Wether you like it or not, nobody can deny that OWB has easily the most amount of content in any DLC we've see so far (even more than Point Lookout IMO). I've just finished going through the main questline and I think I've only discovered 50% of the overall map. That is not to say that the DLC was perfect, far from it.

First of all is the writing, which I do appreciate as being deliberately sarcastic and channelling the stereotypical 50s sci-fi genre, but honestly this isn't the best example of what dark humour should be like. I'm sure other people have said so already but the best example of dark humour would be Glados from Portal. Each and every line from her sounded very natural and makes you both laugh and nod once you've understood the intelligent references behind it. With the Think-Tanks, however, most of the humor come from either pure parody or some form of sixual innuendo, some less subtle than others. And while it did make me laugh every now and then, it's simply not in the same league. In fact it was the sort of laughter that's followed by a cringe as I wonder how much further are the writers gonna push these dirty jokes. As I've predicted from the beginning, the best writing isn't in the core narrative but in the background: Dead Money had Sinclair and Vera, Honest Hearts had Rendall Clark and now Old World Blues have Ulysses and Christine (I haven't found anything else substantial enough yet). I am truly excited for LR and Ulysses's dialogue have increased that excitment ten fold.

Secondly, the new perks are far from brilliant. I am referring not to the ones you get through quests and so forth but the 'regular' perks you get when you level up. Pretty much all of them sounds extremely situational to be of any real use and you're should definitely use the opportunity to get some perks you've missed from the base game or other 2 DLCs instead.

Thirdly is what I call the 'developement U-turn'. Remember back when New Vegas was first released, there was a very strong indication from the community and the devs that the players won't be able to max out every skill like they could in Fallout 3 and that's intentional? It was supposed to be a way of making players think more carefully about how they build their characters rather than all following the min-maxing approach (i.e. 10 INT). But now the DLCs can each raise the level cap by 5 points and as someone else have already pointed out, even with just 2 of the DLCs installed, players with the correct build can already max out each skill. With another 10 levels (OWB + LR), maxing out skills is no longer a possibility, it's a certainty. Now this could be remedied by the new trait introduced in OWB that allows for a permanant level cap at 30, which is fair enough since I guess the devs want to keep both the carefully considered characters and the peusdo God options open. But then why include recepies that allows virtually infinite skillbook generations? What is the reasoning behind this? Is it to encourage players to be even more flexible with their SPECIAL stats?
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Mimi BC
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:38 am

This is the best DLC so far, in my opinion. You are entitled to yours, but one is more right then the other. :violin:

As a side note, I never learned what the term "IMO" meant...

You would think that after typing that first sentence, you would have had a "AHA!" moment while typing the second sentence.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:23 am

Fair point but one thing: Neither Fallout 1 nor 2 was just dark humor. OWB might be pushing it but it's still within thebbounds. But your right about how OWB gets it's humor across: A bit cheapkly.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:14 am

Best DLC so far IMO.

I agree with this, so many parts made me bust out laughing, while the overall dlc still seemed serious, there was still an obvious threat you had to deal with, but the humor along the sides really showed how over the top some of the scientists are/were (the personalities in The Sink)

Edit: also we already had two more serious dlcs, so a humor packed one was very appreciated (being a fan of comedies)

especially since it was dark humor too (human-robot splicing dialogue)
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