[Spoilers] Can someone give a detailed plot for Old World Bl

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:52 am

Hi all!


Well, I managed to play the awesome DLC, but only after work late at night. Therefore, some of the story went right over my head. I always knew what I was doing, but once I found Dr. Mobius I got confused. How exactly did the recursive loop effect the scientists? Is Mobius evil? What convinced the Scientists to abandon their isolationism? Who framed Roger Rabbit?

Thanks in advance, and thanks to the devs for such and entertaining DLC
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:28 pm

Dr. Mobius is the one i sided with because of the reason about what the think tanks are trying to do. Which is they
try to take your brain for they can leave without some type of smart brain you can never leave the the big empty and also he made the scorpions for he could distract his old friends from escaping the big empty.

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Floor Punch
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:35 am

Basically the think tank are a bunch of amoral jerks who do twisted experiments for laughs on anyone or thing they find and Mobius doesn't want them to get loosed upon the world. After all look at the lobotomites they weren't even sure why they removed their brains. As for how he got them on a loop was since they are basically computers he hid code in his message that made them do or think what he wanted but needed to be refreshed so he played back his own messages on loudspeaker lol. Got to love subliminal messages.
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