what are you doing in oblivion at the moment?

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:42 pm

just wondering.i am about to enter bloodmage cave and dish out some justice on some na'er do well's! (criminal scum ;-) for a fighters guild mission. (well as soon as le tour is finished on itv4).am trying to get enough to buy the haunted manor in anvil :obliviongate:
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:12 pm

That house in Anvil is a good deal! :foodndrink:

Buffy was riding Superian along the north bank of the Corbolo River. Her detect life rings gave them plenty of warning of the mud crab ahead along the shore. They diverted slightly to avoid the beast, however apparently not enough and, well, horses don't sneak at all, so the monster raised its claws in challenge and began lumbering their way. Not particularly concerned, Buffy slipped to the ground, summoned Spike and remounted Superian - confident that her clannfear would dispatch the hostile crab. She was quite surprised to see Spike wheel the opposite direction and take off at a run. Well, as the lumbering crustacean continued to close, clacking its deadly claws, Superian took charge and bolted them away. It took only a hundred feet or so to leave the crab behind and return to their pleasant walking pace. At that point Spike came racing up with the carcass of a small doe in his jaws, proudly wagging his tail. Oh well, venison is better for lunch than crab anyway. :dance:
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:25 pm

Saving up enough money to buy the house in Chorrol. I haven't left the town since I completed the Fighter's Guild. I used the fast travel for the fighters guild quest chain because it was all over the place, but I tried to role play as well so now I'm trying to role play my character more, if that makes sense. I've been doing the side quests in Chorrol and pretending that the people are asking me to help because of her reputation as guild head to Chorrol. She is my first heavy armour/warrior character and I absolutely love it! I should have done it sooner. I found it hard to role play my other characters who were stealth or magic based but it's really easy for this one. She "buys food" for the guild from the stable guy at Weynon Priory ( recently got the UL compilation pack - SO GOOD! Adds a sort of farm garden thing to his house) and chats to the villagers and eats meals. It's so much fun, I have been missing out :P I found that I have been creating a sort of personality for my character in my head and replying as her rather than as myself in conversations and choosing options she would choose when it comes to quests.
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:05 pm

im just starting the DB quests, and it surprised me but actually walking is a lot more satisfying than fast travelling everywhere. not that i wont fast travel occasionally, but i try not to.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:31 am

currently i am stock piling my store on the trade and comernce mod form nexus

once i have a very large stock pile of goods i will open shop then worry about quest
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alyssa ALYSSA
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