Skingrad Oblivion Gate not open

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:32 pm

Can anyone help me with this problem please?
I am trying to complete the Allies for Bruma quest and Count Hassildor won't talk to me about Bruma becase I haven't closed the Skingrad Gate. I would if it would open. I know it's the one that opens on the Shrine (of Kynareth, I think)
I am at level 52, have installed the Unofficial Oblivion Patch otherwise my game is the vanilla GOTY version
Really frustrated because I am going for the 100% completion (and I am soooooooo close!)

The other problem (not so bothered with this one - just curious) is that although my Fame is at 180 and my infamy at 0, when I went to a chapel, I got the message to "Repent your sins,etc". I have completed the Knights of the Nine quest. The reason why I am not bothered by this problem is that if I load a previous save game, just a few hours old, the problem goes away. I've done that at a loss of just a few hours gameplay.
When I loaded a game that was several weeks old, and checked the Skingrad gate by going to Bloodcrust Cavern, the Skingrad Gate was open on top of the Shrine of Kynareth, as it should be. But going from there means losing weeks of play and I would really like to know if there is a quick fix for this problem.

Thanks for any help offered!
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